Dry seeds during GERM.


New Member
Hi guys, first time poster (and grower) here. OK, I might have a problem and any help would be greatly appreciated. I started germinating 30 seeds about 20 hours ago...I am using the paper towel method with plastic wrap perched on my monitor (they are not exposed to light). I woke up this morning and the plastic wrap somehow was removed from my plate and the paper towel was bone dry...but I am fairly certain it was only dry for 8 hours or so. I rushed and got a canning jar, re-wet my paper towel and put them in the jar with a black sock over them to keep the light out and the moisture in...Am I screwed? Will those few hours of dryness destroy my chances at germinating my seeds...any help or advice will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you guys....that's a relief. I should have mentioned that the seeds hadn't even cracked yet and there was no root showing at all, so that is good news, I hope...thanks again all...I will post and let you guys know if they crack or not.

The jewel case/TP method sounds like a great idea...I'll have to try that next time!
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