Early signs of a problem or normal

Is the curling of the leaf edges an early sign of a problem or is this normal? First grow, 4 weeks old, FIMed 3 days ago (I think I FIMed the FIM). I look at the pictures of problems and deficiencies, but can’t tell the difference yet; I killed a bunch of strawberries and raspberries this summer; I may not be cut out for cultivating plants…



Hello @Failwyn cute lady.
Welcome to 420magazine my friend.
Without reading everything else I'll throw in 2 cents.
I've had issues with mites before.
First visual indicator is leaf edges curling 90 degrees.
Which it looks like you have early signs of.
If they keep turning up and getting more pronounced I think you have a mite problem.
If it's not affecting any other ladies I'd get her away from the others just in case.
They are a nightmare to deal with.
Keep her separate and watch for further signs of issues.
Stay safe.
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