Easy Way?

Cheapest ways are the traditional ways.

Get large amount of buds and manually remove the trichomes, either rubbing against a screen or whatever (dry sift).

Or just keep rolling the buds between your fingers and collecting what sticks to them (finger hash).

Hash-like: Stick buds into bottle of high-proof alcohol and leave them there for a couple weeks, agitating often (green dragon) or throw them into a piece of pvc pipe with caps on each end and spray butane through them which will wash the trichomes off the buds and into your collection dish (honey oil?).

Or just break down and get a good set of bags, a bucket, and lots of ice and water. Not the cheapest way but a good one.

(Good trim may also be used.)
i think this is the best way! so pure and clean :yummy: only way i do it.

The idea of being able to separate your hash in "grades" through the use of different-sized mesh does also have some appeal.
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