Exodus Cheese - 5th week flowering - dark green leaves curled up at the sides


Well-Known Member
Hey guru's and experienced growers :)

I would like to get confirmation on my rookie diagnosis ... the following pics are from my Exodus Cheese ladies in their 5th week of flower. The following applies to them:

- Situated in a grow tent, passive intake, carbon filtered exhaust into the same room
- soil (pH 7-ish)
- LED/CFL grow
- Watered weekly with BioNova nutrient line (professional line)
- Have not had NPK during last two waterings, just PK
- No bugs to mention, checked, double checked and triple checked (few fruit flies or fungus gnats .. they are not in high numbers and not causing any issues to the plants AFAIK. I've had them since the start of my second grow .. and have had no issues with them aside from them being annoying.

Below are pictures of the ladies and the temperatures that applied last week:


My guess is that this is a heat issue .. so I doused them off and increased air intake from outside to lower the overall temp in the room, and thus that of the air they take in.

I can not explain the dark green leaves tho .. am I missing something ? More pictures can be found in my 'big tent' journal.

Thanks in advance for your time!
Soil should be about dry again. I usualy water on wednesdays, but they are drinking a bit less ATM. Just measured. Top two inches dry, below that normal. Bottom inch or two measure wet.

Drainage is fine afaik. Its all Exodus Cheese in this tent. The only lady not affected is my FLUX. She is in twice as much soil.
I think so. I'd let that soil dry out all the way till there almost wilting. Then I'd flush the soil at 6.8ph. I think there a Lil damp further down in root system and need fully dried before watering again.
looks like heat stress. the healthier the plant the more heat (and other stress) it can tolerate.
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