Exploding trichome pic with smoke coming from them!


Well-Known Member
I ended up taking this pic after noticing a blood red streak on a small leaf. It ran out the bottom to the tip then followed the yellow path back along the top. I had just bought a clip on microscope on ebay so I decided to take a closer look. The bare spot on the leaf is where I mowed down the trichs taking pics.

I used numbers 1-3 as reference points to help me explain what I believe is happening in this shot. Of course I'm no expert and welcome any comments.

1- The fuse is lit on this one, when the red dye breaches the trichome head it will explode. The explosion produces dark purple vapor & white smoke.

2- This one has just been lit, the bright yellow spot underneath is actually a ghost image of the flash point. The explosion tore the head open releasing dark vapor and a puff of white smoke. Back pressure from the explosion has forced the red dye that did not ignite back down the tube.

3- The explosion caused a severe rupture however unlike #2 it did not breach. The force of the explosion continued downward tearing it away at the base launching it like a rocket. Behind #3 you can see a cloud of purple vapor it left at the launchpad & white smoke coming out the tailpipe.

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