FAQ: How to Pass a Drug Test

I'm a high BMI female who hasn't used any cannabis product for about 60 days now. I did, however, used to partake in a high THC concentrate pretty regularly prior to that. I'm still testing positive on home pee tests... is my only option synthetic? I don't even know if I should exercise because I don't know how much thC that will put back in my system... any advice would be appreciated, thanks.
Unbelievable, I know.
Ive heard about the certo method and so nervous that it will come back as diluted and then I have to explain that to my PO.
Unbelievable, I know.
Ive heard about the certo method and so nervous that it will come back as diluted and then I have to explain that to my PO.
Dont do the certo I have heard they test for it. I dont think putting a preservative in your body could be good for you IMO. If they dont watch you pee use synthetic urine. They sell it in most head shops for about 25 up to 100s but those have a prostetic and belt. I usually use the brand Monkey whizz
Naw I've used certo and it works. Do ur research of course but the fruit pectin is the key. I'm on paper no a couple of guys who use it and I've never heard of anyone getting pop because of the certo method. Is it full proof idk but it seems to work. 96 days is a lot though. Are u main lining thc?
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