Federal Heights Lowers Penalty For Pot Possession

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
The Federal Heights City Council has decided to cut the city's marijuana fines in half and eliminate jail time, a decision marijuana advocates say is a response to harsh economic times.

But the council says the city prosecutor suggested reducing the fine for possession of 1 ounce or less of marijuana from $1,000 to $500 to bring local laws more in line with state laws.

A similar offense under state law draws a $100 fine but no jail time.

Marijuana advocates say the city will save money and time by making the change.

Councilwoman Tanya Ishikawa wanted to lower the fine to $100.

She says a $500 is too expensive given the economic times.

News Hawk: User: 420 Magazine
Source: Examiner.com
Copyright: 2009 The Associated Press
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Website: Federal heights lowers penalty for pot possession - Examiner.com
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