Finally built it - Any suggestions?


New Member

Designed and built this cabinet on alot of great info I got from this forum....thx guys. Wanted a cab somewhat discreet for my bedroom I could run a scrog in. I have 0 experience growing or grow box design but have learned a lot here reading and the search button is great....It runs a 600w ballast with 16 28w cfl bulbs ranging from 2700k to 6500k. 4" intake, 6" carbon thru cooltube then goes thru muffler I made from 6" ducting and eggcrate foam then exits above cabinet. Need to add a couple fans to keep things moving. Cabinet holds @ constant
73-76 f with lights on. Blower running @ about 40% constant. Oh...intake has a filter inplace and will hold a paper to it from just the negative vacuum. I am going to use soil.

Sorry for quality of pics

Any suggestions or things I might be missing?

Should I run co2 bottle or maybe co2 bucket? its sealed pretty good

Will start a journal as soon as I get the little guys in the ground....

Again I thank you guys ahead of time for your help and advice. :thumb:
Re: Finally built it..... Any suggestions?


First, Welcome to the 420 Magazine site and the community of members that gathers here.

I have to compliment you, that is one fine looking grow box you've constructed there. I think it will serve you well. I was a little concerned initially that there really isn't a lot of room below the lights for your plants. Even with a Scrog the plants will need to be kept pretty small but then I remembered everyone isn't trying to grow small trees. LOL

I think a lot of the benefit of CO2 would be lost as it would get sucked out pretty much as fast as input via the ventilation.

Great job again on the box and I'll definitely watch for your journal.
Re: Finally built it..... Any suggestions?

Thx guys really appreciate the replies and COMPLIMENTS ......:woohoo:

The cfl fixtures are held with wood screws, so I could move them as needed. The cooltube, well u know rope ratchets.
I think what I'm asking is if I was to run co2 bottle with fans off is it a good idea in a bedroom?

I installed a 2x4 between bottom and top which really gave me a way to seal it..

Installed a drawer cam lock and cut out a slot in the 2x4 with the dremel for the lock.

Then I put two cabinet locks that pull it tight on the top.

For the bottom I used a couple of roller strike catches.

I also put a strong magnet in a cut out hole in the 2x4 to pull the doors tight but that didn't do chiat (waste of time) lock real helped in the middle.

Used door/window seal on all the can see it in the pics. Worked out good.

Thx again for the great remarks..Awesome forums !!! :thanks: :yahoo: :rollit:
Re: Finally built it..... Any suggestions?

I raised the lights.....hope that's enough but I can turn the filter and raise them bout another foot or so.

Any thoughts on the pots I should use? I have those three in the pics, leftovers from wife's garden.
1 long rectangular pot, small square pots, organic pots....what I have?
Wanna stick to soil..

Interested in growing OG strains
How many plants? was thinking 2-3
Running ScROG

I have searched the forums but would like based on my setup.

THX Again guys......invaluable info:high-five:
Re: Finally built it..... Any suggestions?

Great setup! Running the Co2 with the fan off will likely heat up your cabinet beyond an acceptable range. It's a tight space there. Personally, I wouldn't bother w it. Also, minimizing the bends and turns of your ducting will save your fan some wear n tear and make it operate more efficiently. I would use the pots in the picture. 2-3 seems very reasonable. I'm excited for you and hope to see your work in the future.:goodjob:
Re: Finally built it..... Any suggestions?

Hi again Chris,

Not sure how long you plan on veg'ing before the flip, but even only for 45-60 days (sexual maturity) I think more than two plants in a scrog would be pretty crowded. I've got 3 in a scrog in a 4x4 tent and it's a little more crowded than I'd like. Chop tomorrow morning though and will only go back with 2 plants.

I've done a bit of reading on CO2 use and from what I understand the plants only utilize CO2 when the lights are on and only during the veg phase. I'm just repeating what I've read so please don't take it that I'm an authority on the subject. I think that makes using CO2 when the ventilation fans are off a little impractical as I'm sure your temps would soar with lights on and no funs running. That is unless you take your filter out and connect the intake line on your cool tube to air intake opening. Then you could use CO2 as it would effectively be a sealed room setup.

Since this is your first grow though, I'm telling you now your going to want to get in there and mess with your plants - A LOT It's friggen contagious. You'll find yourself just staring or at a minimum checking on them like 30 minutes after you last checked on them.

Always your choice as it's your grow but I suggest you forgo the CO2 this first round. Maybe after you get a grow or two under your belt then add CO2 in a sealed room configuration and you'll appreciate any benefit to the plants even more.

Happy to hear your getting your clones. I think those pots in the picture look like at least 2 if not 3 gallon pots and they should do very nicely.

Happy growing!
Nice set up. You seem pretty handy why not make another box to install on top to house the fan /filter? You could bring the cab up to the ceiling and save all the room inside for the plants. Just a suggestion.

I will be doing something similar to mine so I can insulate the fan box to eliminate external noise.
Hello again,
Well last plan scrapped. But good news. Wifey gave up her (slightly forced:Namaste:) spare room. I have full control of said room....:bravo:
Cabinet worked great but made my room about 150 degrees.....lots of heat. So I moved it over to spare room and setup a grow tent that my buddy sold me. I setup the 600w in there with the carbon fan/blower setup.
The cabinet will now be used for vegging and tent for flower. Ran both, they stayed below 80 degrees and with a radio playing softly you could not hear it.

I have learned more about growing in the last 3 weeks than in 6 months reading forums.......:loopy:
The 2 clones I got apparently had mites and well everything went down hill. No worries new plan new opportunity.......just hope it goes better this time round.
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