First Ever Grow: Bad Nute Burn?


420 Member
Hey guys and girls
This is my first ever grow, I'm grow Candida CD-1

Since about day 15 the plants lower leaves appear as though they are dying, every water I have added 1.5ml of seasol to demineralised water, so would this be an over feeding issue.

Yesterday I watered with demineralised water only and will do so from this point.

Is she recoverable or should I just start again?
As you can see in the attached photos the new leaves don't appear to be affected.


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I use this moisture meter as well as the first knuckle method, watering on average is about 3 days, so I wait until it's barely moist before watering again. Water is 1.5ml seasol to 500ml demineralised water


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Here is what the picture of your plant is telling me. Because of your watering method, the bottom third of that container never really dries out, and the last inch stays pretty much under water the entire time. You are watering every 3 days, when the plant can not use all the water in that time. The problem is that the water is pooling in the bottom where the plant's main tap roots are, and since they are underwater and think they are drowning, they have built a protective layer around themselves and at the moment your plant is having problems getting nutrition.
This plant is a weed that thrives in adverse dry conditions. It is imperative to let this plant dry out all the way to the bottom between each watering. There is an easy way to do this, it is called the lift method. Prepare a container just like the ones you are using there, filled with dry soil. Lift it and feel its weight. Now lift yours and feel the extra water weight. Do not water again until your plant feels like the test container and is almost completely dry.
Then, water slowly and completely, trying to get as much water as you can into the soil. Sit and wait for 3-5 days until it uses all that water and then repeat.
That's correct, and I use the moisture meter to measure the moisture levels down further

If you can shove it through the side at the bottom, it will tell you in a very general way if there is moisture. I bought the PH/light/moisture two prong ones. I thought the first one was broken, so I complained and got sent another. They were both fine. Just not very useful. Lifting the pot and sticking your finger in will tell you what you need to know.
Do you think I could repot into a non self watering pot without causing to much damage?
I have these pots which are 100mm, I also have an air pot for when it gets much bigger.


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Too Young for nutes, that's like giving a baby Red bull.
It's seaweed concentrate, from what I've found online, Seasol alone is not enough of a plant food to keep your plant fed.

Emilya was 100% correct, a combination of water pooling and a bad pot was the problem.
I've now repotted her into a 1.5l rocket pot with two parts Canna Terra Pro and 1 part Perlite, topped and will main line, I'm also going to keep her in the rocket pot for the full cycle for a micro grow as I now have a second grow.
I'm also going to add colloidal silver to a bud site to try and generate some seeds.


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