First Grow, ScroG, Couple Questions..


New Member
I am looking to begin my first grow. I ordered 3 blue dream seeds.

I plan on a 2x4x5 closet tent with a 400w hid aircooled with an inline fan to vent out. Can't vent out a window, maybe a purifier outside of it?.

I will be attempting a 2 plant scrog while topping and stretching. Need a little help with nutrients and irrigation. I was thinking maybe a hydroponic DwC bucket? 2 seperate, or both in the same bucket?

Is Amazon the best place to order?
Also, I have never completed a grow . Iattempted a few plants under a 125 CFL. No venting, bad lighting escape. I killed them by giving them to much of the wrong food. ;p. I have done much more reading, but still am not so sure on nutrients and irrigation being as I'm low on experience.

Are there nutrients that supply my strain more efficiently?
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