First Grow! Unknown Strain - Outdoor - Organic


New Member
Hi everyone!

So instead of posting out there in the help section, i've decided to get a grow journal going. Seems to be a little better than clogging up the wrong section.

Here I have some seedlings growing that seem to be just entering/about to enter veg. I picked these seeds up off a friend who grows & stupid me - didn't bother to ask what strain they were. Judging by the smoke I had afterwards with him - i'm going to assume it's Indica dominant (I'd absolutely love it if it turned out to be Sativa dominant though!). However don't take my word for it as I was also drunk at the time; and we all know that drink before grass puts you flat on your ass. :thumb:

Anyway, about the grow. I'm growing outdoors & as organic as I possibly can. With all the things that go into commercial quantities around the dirty streets, I just want to trust what i'm smoking. I've had some trouble with them growing not as fast as i'd like and that's partly my fault. I fear i've stunted their growth by keeping them in small pots for too long during their younger seedling stage. One seems to have recovered nicely and seems to be taking off a little faster - meanwhile the other youngster is stuck. Perhaps it's a daylight issue?

To counter this issue i've literally just set up a room with a large CFL light where I can move them (not too far from their outside home) when the sun goes down and leave them under the light. I'll need to monitor them over the next few nights to make sure that they like the extra light. The larger one which appears to be doing better has also just developed a beautiful fruity smell!

As for pH and everything else technical, I haven't payed too much attention to. I will probably buy a pH testing kit very soon though. I'm not out for large yeilds as this is my first grow and i'm only getting my feet wet. This is all for personal use too, so I don't need to worry too much.

Here's some images before re-potting when their roots had no room to go.

Images after re-potting (a few of days ago).

Images of them under the CFL lights right now!

The room isn't a professional grow room or anything as you can see - it's just a light source that I already had and it seems to fit the description of what I need so I made some quick modifications to the room's setup and voila!

Any comments or tips are greatly appreciated!
I'd love all the help I can get - keeping in mind this grow is first time, low-key, low-cost, personal use & outdoor!

Thanks guys! I'll post updates as they come!

Re: First grow! Unknown strain - Outdoor/Organic.

I need help guys!

My smaller one which isn't doing so well seems to be doing worse.
It still isn't growing much and the leaves are all starting to get a yellow tinge to them while the other is beautiful and green...

Any ideas?

Also does anybody have any idea on whether it's indica or sativa dominant? Or is it still too young to tell? Thanks in advance.
Re: First grow! Unknown strain - Outdoor/Organic.

Hi thanks J6K,

I'm using Osmocote Premium potting mix. After doing some quick searches and comparing it with a recent pH test I did it turns out that the pH of my mix could be too low for cannabis. I meant to pick up some lime today but slipped my mind and I'll have to go tomorrow morning. Could a low pH level have something to do with the yellowing of my baby's leaves and perhaps even the stunted growth they seem to be suffering from?

Re: First grow! Unknown strain - Outdoor/Organic.

Bump! Wow it's been a while! I only just realised!
I'll be updating more frequently from now on.
Here we are so far. I've run into a little trouble. I've got whiteflys and spider mites. I tried treating them with an organic spray but it doesn't seem to be working - so i'm currently trying out neem oil. About to go outside and slop some on. :thumb:

I do have another issue though. I've got these brown spots on my plant and I have no idea what they are? Are they from the other insect spray i've been using? I don't think it's any kind of deficiency? I also have parts of leaves chewed out by something but i'm pretty sure it's not caterpillars... Any other ideas? Any input would be great guys! :Namaste:

& Here's the other smaller one after a little bit of Lime. Can probably use a little more to be honest.

& Before anyone asks, the stones are for good energy. :Namaste::peace:
Re: First grow! Unknown strain - Outdoor/Organic.


I really need some help with this guys. The brown spots are worsening and the bottom levels of leaves are starting to yellow. I've just fed them so ill have to take note over the next couple of days, but can anyone see a clear deficiency in anything? Am I missing something? I'm probably just over reacting but I'd like some other opinions.

How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read the photo gallery tutorial: Photo Gallery Guide: How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.

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