First time growing CFL - any help is welcomed

here are some pictures, the first 2 are during the LST,


i`ve released the lst from them and i will let them grow i think ....


On the last pic you can see the burns, i think is from light i don`t see any other reason ... i didn`t feed, i didn`t overwater ...

Should i do more LST on them and make the other side get bigger ? curently the side that is not showed in pics is very poor, leafs are small ...

Any advice is welcome
hello, i thought i should upload some pics, the left one got a FIM and the right one got a 5 days LST , they look pretty ok i guess, any advice is welcomed.
I`m thinking to veg them for 2 more weeks then switch to flowering.





Hey Giry, I'm currently on my first grow also. I'm the type to research everything before taking the first step. Don't use aluminum foil as reflectors because it can cause hot spots. I used miracle grow as my food and miracle grow soil. Three and a half weeks from picking seeds out of a bag and they are working on their 6th and 7th set of leaves with 5 set leaves. The problem I had were not keeping the lights close enough because as a noob I thought they would burn. I have three stretching and spindly, so keep them close! I did use store bought reflectors I paid $6 u.s. for them and I have 2 100w CFL's, a 500w halogen work light (found it in the shed, thought it might help but I dont know if it does or not) and a 40w flor light in my box. I did build my box that is 2x4x6ft (didnt have alot of room to play with) for about 40 bucks, plus painted the outside in the chalkboard paint so my girl would "accept" it lol. Also, always plant them at the top of the container, because if you plant them inside it prevents good airflow to the bottom. I transplanted at around 1 week old and growth never slowed. I just started pruning for the first time and I hope it goes well, I'll let you know on that one. Anyways, if anybody has any tips for me that isnt easily findable on the internet let me know :) Happy growing, its addicting!!
I just found out halogens produce the wrong light spectrum to be usable *facepalm* After my babies dark time, It's time for remodeling XD
Heya ProDope, and thanks for the input, my growbox is just something did in rush and i didn`t had much time to improve it, the reflective top was something that was around that time :D

<Meanwhile in box>
lights switched to 12, there was 1 boy 1 girl inside :D

i`ll post pics later ..
I would also put a few cfl's pointed at the sides of the plants, using those cheap metal dome-like fixtures. The big ones are only $10 at Walmart. Here is a pic of what I'm talking about.

Bayco 10.5'' Brooder Clamp Light: Storage & Organization :

How I would build the lamp is like this. I'd use a long pvc tube and drill holes in it large enough for the bulb fixtures, or use similar pieces to what you used, but, make them all horizontal. I would have one facing right, then one left, then one right, etc. I'd use 4 300 watts, which uses 65 watts each, or 6 200 watts. They can be purchased at Homedepot.

I would then drill small holes in the pvc, and screw it onto a piece of sheet metal, bought from home depot. Then I would bend the edges of the sheet metal to be like the Batwing design lamps. I would then cut cardboard or sheetmetal to fill the front and back. This would reflect the light the best, for most coverage, so when the plants get big, you can cover them all.

4 300 watts = 1200 watts. That will work good.

The 300 watt bulds run $16 at Homedepot. You can find them cheaper online, but be careful not to buy from China, unless you want to wait like a month or more.

I will drawing up a diagram for this fixture.
Get a big 300w grow cfl and a cheap fixture around $100 for both. the light is good for 3' tall plants you might get a with a 250w. and they are very easy to keep cool
the real 300w or 250w grow bulbs not 50w=300w they are not the same.
The 23w CFLs produce the most lumes per watts. Why not just build a nice hood with 13 of those? It will use the same amount of watts, produce more lumes, and have a bigger foot print. You can build a great good for very cheap.

Just to give an idea 13 23w cfls produce 20,800 lumes.

A 300w cfl produces 15,000 lumes, that is a true 300, a 300 equal only produces 4200. Only 10 23W cfls produce 16,000 lumes, which is more than 1 300 watt. The cost is super cheap for 10 23w, like what $20 or less?

Cheap, effective way to build a hood ... stay tuned. I will be making a tutorial. Most parts can be purchased at walmart for way cheap. I will also show with a lux meter how many lux the 23w hood produces.
heya, i need a bit of help, couple of days ago she started to turn yellow on leafs, is this from stres? i was stupid enought to cut the bottom part and clear some stuff as the light was not getting there. i flush her yesterday ( my nute for flowering is kind of shitty as i didn`t find anything else ) and now i just wait, as i`m not sure what is the problem ...






camera a bit shitty also so the pictures are not clear ...
Any advice is welcomed, thx
The 23w CFLs produce the most lumes per watts. Why not just build a nice hood with 13 of those? It will use the same amount of watts, produce more lumes, and have a bigger foot print. You can build a great good for very cheap.

Just to give an idea 13 23w cfls produce 20,800 lumes.

A 300w cfl produces 15,000 lumes, that is a true 300, a 300 equal only produces 4200. Only 10 23W cfls produce 16,000 lumes, which is more than 1 300 watt. The cost is super cheap for 10 23w, like what $20 or less?

Cheap, effective way to build a hood ... stay tuned. I will be making a tutorial. Most parts can be purchased at walmart for way cheap. I will also show with a lux meter how many lux the 23w hood produces.

Heat build up 13 bulbs 13 ballast if you can keep your temps in control go for it
heya, i need a bit of help, couple of days ago she started to turn yellow on leafs, is this from stres? i was stupid enought to cut the bottom part and clear some stuff as the light was not getting there. i flush her yesterday ( my nute for flowering is kind of shitty as i didn`t find anything else ) and now i just wait, as i`m not sure what is the problem ...






camera a bit shitty also so the pictures are not clear ...
Any advice is welcomed, thx

your ph looks low how much food did you give it it looks burnt
Sunleaves VitaLUME Compact Fluorescents efficiently deliver a full
spectrum light comparable to wavelengths found in sunlight. These
internally-ballasted bulbs generate very little heat and can be placed
closer to plants to maximize light exposure. Rated at 10,000 life-hours,
125-watt bulb produces 10,500 lumens and a color temperature of 6,400
kelvins. Requires a specialized socket — pair with the standard
Sunleaves Comet 125 for superior results. Horizen Hydroponics - Hydroponic Systems Equipment Supplies, plant grow lights, Digital Electronic ballasts, Organic Fertilizers for indoor hydroponic gardening
man theses thanks for helping me find them anyway if you grow get a "Grow Bulb" or use The Mother of life The Sun.
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