First Timer


New Member
my bro handed me two seed and he wanted me to grow it so i am. i have no clue what i am doing but ive been doing research and so far its going good. i started this on September 26 2012 and i have already germinated them and now i have 2 seeds in a plastic cup with 4 slits on the bottom for drainage. right now i am keeping them outside because i heard outside herb is better than indoors. but i might have to start bringing it inside because i still live with my parents.

the questions i have are:
1. how can i make a grow area with very lil money?
2. how can i help my plant by giving it humidity?
3. how much water should i give them? i heard 2 or days but also i heard much as i can
4. i can use any advice right now
1. use CFL lights
2. why the hell do you want to make it humid? It will cause mold.
3. water only when the soils dry
4. don't over nute, or over water. Also keep circulation high in the grow room for new air and less humidity.
you can use a cardboard box and some duct tape and put a couple of CFL bulbs in the box. Use a computer fan for air circulation. If it gets too dry, you can put water in a cup and set it in the box. Put each plant in ther own cups when they finally get some roots.
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