First Timer


New Member
Hey out there. im a first time grower and im concerned about the level of progress my baby is at. I started not knowing anything and kind of learned as the plant matured. kind of trying to correct mistakes as I became more informed. I guess she been growing since early june and flowering now for about a month maybe a bit more. she has never been flushed and im worried that because I never did that her flowering might be slow. I also don't see any trichomes. can I flush her during what seems to be early in the flowering process or would that hurt the growth process at this point. I would hate to loose her at this point this being my first time and ive come soooo far. I have so many more questions for anyone who wouldn't mind me picking their brain for a bit. thanks in advance for any feedback!!!!
Hi Dragon, can you provide some more info and a pic if possible. Outdoors / indoors, what growing medium, PH levels, nutes, lighting etc.
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