Flowering Lighting 10/14..Plant Hormone Issues?


New Member
Considering I don't have a timer at the moment, I'm going to be putting my plant into flowering stage Manually. This would mean that due to when I go to sleep and wake up the on/off cycle would be more like 13/11 or 14/10. Will the plant get messed up by the fact that it isn't exactly 12/12? Also, there is the issue of inconsistency, such as one day the lighting might be 14/10, lets say. The next day it might be more like 13/11. Will this mess with the plant too much or should I not worry about it.
Need some input on this as she is beginning to outgrow her grow box and I want to also compensate for the growth from the flowering stage.
A few minutes give or take on either end of the cycle won't be a problem. Hours is a different story.

If you can't get a timer you really don't have much choice but to do it manually and try to keep it
as close as you can to 12/12 and hope for the best.
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