Frugal, Low-Light Strain


New Member
Hello there,
I'm a long time reader here and right now I have a specific question no friends can help me with, so it's time for my first post.
What makes cannabis such a great plant to me is the fact that it is very resilient and vital (not too sure with the expressions, english isnt my first language!). So I refuse unnecessary investments and too much technology. Keep it simple!
So I use a small cabinet, 60x60x80cm, 2x30W CFL (2500 & 6500k), special reflection foil and a 12cm PC-fan.
I had several sessions with White Satin and later Hashberry from Mandala Seeds. On the breeders page you can read that they are specifically for low-light conditions and I can really see that.
But it got boring with time so I wanted something new and tried Critical Mass from Mr Nice. It stretched like hell in flower until it touched the top. Looked very unhealthy (nutrients weren't the problem I think) and outcome was very poor.
So, before I make another poor choice I thought it's better to ask the pros! Can you think of strains similar to Mandala's? It should be a strain that doesnt get this kind of unhealthy growth due to too little light.

Thank you very much in advance!
+100 views, not one answer. too bad
So I guess, I will go with Northern Lights. Seems like a classic strain, not hard to grow and fits my purpose...
Two 30 watt CFL bulbs won't grow much of anything at all. You'll need to read up on micro grows if you're going that route. Led lights are getting cheaper by the day, so might be time to invest since you seem to plan on growing more.
100 views isn't very many. I think most of those views come from nonmembers who can't post. Someone will come along eventually. Sorry I can't help you with your question though mate. It's never occurred to me to look for a low-light strain and I didn't know there was such a thing- though I suppose it's kind of obvious there would be something. Interesting. Good luck
Edit- see, there you go, Peyton wandered in.
Thanks for the answers
Yeah, 60W doesnt seem much but to supply myself its enough. I did three rounds with the mandala seeds and you would be surprised! Nice bushy and compact plants. I used high grade reflection foil, I put the plants as close as possible to the lamps and the width of the cabinet is variable. Small room, close distances and good genetics. Doesnt get more efficient then that. Okay, with LED probably ;) When I have the money for a high quality panel, I will get one.
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