G'day from West Oz


New Member

Just dropping in to introduce myself. My wife (Lily was here) and myself have both just joined the 420 forums after reading for many many months.

As per Lily's post, we are both in our 40's and have always enjoyed our green, both for social and medical reasons.

For Lily, nothing works better when it comes to her pain and nausea so I work hard to make sure she has some nice meds.

Right now I have an awesome Royal Caramel which is fairly new to the market. We don't know of anyone else who has grown this strain here so we are really looking forward to seeing how it turns out. So far it is looking outstanding.

The other one is the classic White Widow and that is also cranking along beautifully. 3 weeks in bloom and she's stinking in a good way.

We are both huge 710 fans and 710 is also another fantastic pain reliever for Lily so I make it for her as often as I can.

Love all the info and photos on this site! It's great to have a place to share and I will have to get around to uploading some of my own shots soon. Got a couple of nice shots of the last lot of 710 that I'll have to dig out.

Looking forward to learning and chatting with you all here on 420.

Ooroo from the West.

Great having you here. Welcome.
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