General water rule.


New Member
Hi I have a very basic Question that I could use some help on, thank you. How much water do you apply when you transfer the seed to soil. The soil was semi-moist not clumping. I know the water rule changes as they get bigger and tends to be what each individual needs. but what I need is specific amount daily for first week. I realize it can go from 1-3 days in between. But the intial pour for example, "you would transfer the seed from the papertowel to semi- moist soil and apply(this much water) every time the soil drys down an inch or two for the first week or so". Would this quantity be a tablespoons worth of water ,or a 1 cup,or till the water weeps out of the bottom holes of the container its in. This is so any dummie like me can start a little more knowingly. Thank you, Woody :peace:
I,M JUST GLAD THE GIRLS DIDN'T HAVE TO WAIT ON AN ANSWER OR THEY WOULD BE DEAD! Don,t bother answering. Had to find out somewhere else. :goodjob:
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