Getting Ladies


New Member
Are there any ways to ensure that you get females? I have heard that lower temps, more nitrogen, and longer nights can help get some ladies. Could anyone shed light on this subject please. Is it the luck of the draw or can you influence your plants sex? :smokin: Cant wait to hear some facts yo
No not 100%, even feminisied seeds can go male. out of 100 seeds good genetics 75 will pop> out of 75> 40 are females> out of 40 females> cull 25 of the best> I have witnessed all the above items you mentioned and that did not produce any different than " luck of the draw" results> your chances can increase thru your own selective breeding of your seed stock, not even guarenteed female clones producing for 1-2 years are 100% female<i just recently had a Sensi Seed Nor Cal Indica clone after 1.5 years producing 4 crops go Hermie and seed out the last batch of indica plants>
Luck of the draw!!!
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