Girl or Boy or to early? Your thoughts please


New Member
Bagseed (1st grow)
31 day veg

This is day 8 or 9 of flower and I keep going back or forth....but it may just be to early to tell??

I seem to be seeing both male and female??? help!

What do YOU think???

peace and thanks
my four looked like that and they were all girls...but i'm a first time grower-so dont quote me on anything i

an expert should be on and hopefully they will know..

good luck
my four looked like that and they were all girls...but i'm a first time grower-so dont quote me on anything i

an expert should be on and hopefully they will know..

good luck

Man I hope your right cccider!!! I have another one that looks almost identical. I'm guessing it is just to early to tell yet.

I hope they show soon...I leave town in 2 days and will be gone for 3....I don't think I can go that long with out knowing!

And I hope some other growers will be kind enough to give me their thoughts also.

It's a little hard to tell from those pics but based on the last pic above, the node spacing looks tighter than males typically do, I'd lean to the side of saying it's female.

Tme will tell though, over the next few days, you should start to see little white hairs protruding from the "armpit" of the nodes.

Looking good though!
You might have been able to tell by the last day of your vegetative light-schedule with a good jeweler's loupe. Most strains are showing by the end of the 4th week or shortly thereafter.

See the Sexing and Blooming section of the site's mega-thread How to Grow Cannabis - Everything You Need to Know! for helpful tips (and images).
Curiously enough I was about to post a very similar thread asking the same thing.

This is my first post in these forums, and I'm very new to this so I apologise if this is a silly sounding question but does this picture attached give any hints at the sex of the plant?

Also, if it has yet to mature to the point where it's obvious; is this the place on the plane one should be looking at when the time is right?
I thought I saw a "lobster claw" above the highlighted area. But my tired old eyes (and monitor) aren't very good at the picture inspection game.

Much easier to tell in person with a good loupe, check the entire plant from different angles, check for facial hair, take it to a wedding and see if it cries, the usual...
Thanks to everyone who replied....TS, I went and read a bunch of stuff from that link....What a weatlh of info.

I checked this morning during the last couple of minutes of light (lights actually went out while I was inspecting) with little loupe....And, I think I saw some pistils!!!! But the light went out and I closed everything up.

I will be sure to take a picture tomorrow morning at the end of the light cycle and post it.....But I have a good feeling!!!!

peace and harvests......
Well, what a difference 48 hours can make! May be hard to see but there is a pistil!!! She's a she!!

Over head view....Not a huge plant but I have very limited space....and I'll take this for my first grow!

peace and harvets.....
thanks green! no idea on strain as it was a bagseed....but it was a good bag with only 3 or 5 seeds!!!
I concur w/your assessment as to the sex of the subject wspomaha! I guess gratz are do... GRATZ
Are you gonna keep this thread up to date for the life of this plant... I'll come and check her out once in a while!

Thanks for the Congrats Kronic. I didn't plan on keeping things up on this thread....I was really just concerned about determining if she was a she or a he before I had to leave for 3-4 days.....patience is not a virtue of mine. I didn't see the sense in keeping the grow going while I was gone if it was a boy.

But I suppose I could occasionaly post a pic....just cause you asked. ;)

BTW, why the name change? (not that it's any of my business)

peace and harvests to all...
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