Grape Ape

Strain:Grape Ape

co-op bought in seattle

thc content was done in a lab and was at 19.8%

The smell wasn't like i thought it would be. Wasn't very grapey smelling more skunky but fruity. definitely smells good

It has a nice amount of THC crystals all over and its pretty dense. purple covers the tips and it has an even mixture of green in there as well

Smoke Report: i loaded a bowl and and got prepared to get comfy, then i light this sucker up and went to town. my eyes are low, my concentration is easy to break i cant focus on one thought lol. i'm not much couch lock as i am in a good mood and semi energetic. i feel great good strain!

after further investigating it i found a single seed in the nugs. it's the first time ive bought weed with a seed in it for a couple years now. glad i found one in this sack
8.6/10 :thumb:

What did you do? Sprinkle sugar on them nuglets?!?
lol nope, just some grade A+ medicine from "canni pi" collective in seattle washington. home grown if i remember right. 9 times out of 10 when i do get purple weed its not very crystally. this grape ape and the blackberry that won me nug of the month was the frostiest purple nugs i've ever gotten.
There was a time when I was repelled from purple strains. It was because I tried a few indoor purple buds and it clogged my head. My ideal high is clear headed, anti anxiety, and pain relief. My body was beat up a tad in the construction industry. I'm growing some outdoor with Erkle in the genetics this year to see what happens. Thanks for the review though. Those were pretty pics. My wife has smoked more throughout her life than I have and the Black Domina x Afghan that I grew was too powerful even for her, so I need to investigate what I grow more carefully this year. Some strains get the heart rate up and it can be uncomfortable for some folks.
lol when i said home grown i meant co-op grown :thumb:

usually i stay away from purple strains becasue i noticed i never find potency in them as much as i do in a crystally green nug. this grape ape was my exception becasue of its appearance, shes a sight for sore eyes thats for sure.

but on the subject of erkel genetics i've had alot of good purple erkel strains from different co ops. some wernt even purple but were always VERY sedative
Black Domina x Afghan that I grew

Heard a few things about that cross. Was yours from a seedbank (which breeder?) or clone?
Heard a few things about that cross. Was yours from a seedbank (which breeder?) or clone?

It was from the World of Seeds seed bank. All feminized seeds germinated and sprouted. One plant had an odd twisted pattern to it's structure making the flowers difficult to manicure, but the others were robust and uniform. So that was only one out of six. I went with local seeds from Humboldt this year and will post my results in time. Granny Derkle, baby!
Why strains sometimes look different? I've never seen grape ape that color before sometime it will be purple but usually green.

Temperature dropping into the 50's causes purple colors to be revealed in plants. Some plants have a berry or grape taste and are called purple because of that. I think there's some confusion as to what people label "purple".
Why strains sometimes look different? I've never seen grape ape that color before sometime it will be purple but usually green.

yea i usually get green grape ape also. i've had a bit of purple grape ape just never had a PURE purple kind. this kind was my first like this anyway.
The GA I just purchased has some purp scattered throughout, however it is not dense, doesn't feel indica, unless its a hybrid with considerable sativa dominance. This is a light, floating, giggling kind of high, leaving sore face muscles from laughing. I can enjoy a nice indica when I want to satisfy my sweet tooth for a tasty smoke, and have a nice nap, or watch a movie, pain-free. Sativas, however, are by FAR my favorite. I have to take so many meds due to my disability, that no weed truly affects me as it did prior to all the pharmaceuticals. Opiates allow me to take rips that choke a lot of people out. I've never had an edible work for me, but sooooo want one to, so I can see what Rogan is raving about. I don't wish to hijack this thread asking about making edibles, so I will save that for another forum. I just wanted to note that my Grape Ape experience seems to differ from many, in a truly delightful way! Long Live Sativa!
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