Grape Ape from R. Greenleaf


New Member
R. Greenleaf (Albuquerque)

Grape Ape - Indica
18.711% THC; 0% CBD (per website)

Grape Ape is a strong, sweet-smelling diesel, medium amount of resin, no seeds, and more than the usual amount of sticks/stems. Smooth taste, with grape-flavored undertones. The initial effect is not particularly strong (for a chronic pain patient), but it is strong enough to last longer than usual.

I would recommend this strain whenever it is available. Unfortunately, I was only able to purchase it once, and I don't know when it will return to the strain rotation.
Unfortunately, when Grape Ape returned to Greenleaf's menu in April of this year, my strength rating for the new batch dropped two points. I thought their Larry OG was a good strain, although I was only able to purchase it twice. And Sweet Tooth had moderate strength. As with all dispensaries in New Mexico, consistency and the lack of medicinal-strength products are problems at Greenleaf.

But I see you hail from New Jersey/Florida, so if you're just interested in the name of a good strain, Grape Ape would be close to the top of my list.
Grape Ape is a very good bud. An indica with euphoric feeling, which lasts long. I got some bud as a gift and I miss it now as I smoked it all :lot-o-toke:
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