Green catipillars


New Member
i found some greenish catipillars just like the ones on tomatoe plants on my sisters outdoor plants~does anyone know what she could use to get rid of them and make sure they dont eat her plants completely up? those suckers are so hard to spot becuz they blend in so well. is there any way to keep these things off? :peace:
cool i'll have to tell my sister to buy some today (that way i can use some for my geraniums cuz they've got lots of those suckers on them right now too)!! so :thanks: again hope i can find it and it works :peace: :rollit:
We have tons of those bastards in my neck of the woods. I have to guard my tomatos like a hawk. They'll devour your crop in amazing time. I've had entire tomato plants eaten in a matter of hours.

I defend against them with diatomacious earth. Basicly, it's sharp dirt that cuts the little buggers up when they crawl over it. I use just a bit on top of my dirt... replace it after a big rain. I like it because it's a mechanical process and doesn't involve chemicals.

Cheers... and good luck!
:thanks: guys hopefully i'll be able to find some of the bt if not i'll look for the diat. earth asap thanks again hope it works :peace: :rollit:
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