Greenhouse location in AZ


New Member
Hey guys I just have a stupid question for the pro outdoor growers. First off I live in AZ and it's hot with a lot of bright sunlight. I'm plan on throwing my mother plants outback for the fall/winter sun to take care of them for me. I'm going to use a greenhouse and have been trying to decide where i want to put it. So here comes the question.

In arizona where the sunlight can be a little harsher than other climates, should I have my greenhouse in direct sunlight? Or can it sit in an area where it gets shade in the afternoon from the house? I really want to put it on the side of my house where it gets direct sunlight for about 7-9 hours a day. Or should I put it in an area that gets direct sunlight from sunrise to sunset. Just to add I feel for security reasons it will blend better by the side of my house.

What do you guys think? And any ideas or help along the way is greatly appreciated. Thank you everyone.
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