Greetings Everyone!

Stoney Slims

New Member
I hope this message finds you well! You can call me Stoney, I'm just here to make buds... friends that is. Pretty cool site you guys (and gals) have here. Glad to be onboard.
Yo Stoney! such a cool website eh? everyone heres proven to be very helpful and friendly so far, you got anything growing yourself? :blunt:
Hello and :welcome:Stoney Slim and we are glad you dropped in and gave everyone a chance to say hello. We are here to spread Cannabis Information and Wisdom across the world. We must all work together to educate the masses that Cannabis is not the evil drug it has been made out to be and stop the foolish Prohibition that puts millions in prison every year. If there is anything we canm assist you with please let us know.
PEACE and have a great day:goodluck::Rasta:
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