Growers With WeHo-Destined Pot Acquitted

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
A Mendocino jury acquitted a pair of Redwood Valley medical marijuana growers who were arrested in Sonoma County on their way to deliver their medicine to West Hollywood’s Center for Compassionate Healing.

Jurors hung in a 7-5 deadlock in favor of acquittal; because four of five of the panelists voting for conviction, informed the district attorney they did not support retrial, the DA asked for and received a dismissal from the judge.

Sonoma County sheriffs stopped defendants Luke Strauss and Joe Maligno as they drove south on 101 near Cloverdale to deliver five pounds of doctor-approved cannabis to the WeHo location.

The DEA and Sheriff raided the pair’s home to find 300-400 pounds of packaged medical marijuana, a full indoor garden and recently-emptied outdoor greenhouse.

An investigation revealed over $1.4 million in payments from the Center for Compassionate Healing.

The prosecution relied a "this is just too much marijuana" defense; the defense asserted that the amount of medicine found was neither illegal or more than the usual for a medicine supplier in California.

Two expert witnesses, Andrew Kramer, President of the West Hollywood Center for Compassionate Healing and Jeff Jones, founder of the Oakland Cannabis Buyers Co-op and the person who administers the Alameda County patient verification database for the Department of Health testified that the amounts of medicine and money being exchanged satisfies the needs of the collectives in urban areas, where large quantities of marijuana are difficult to grow.

An expert witness appeared who provided the jury a baseline average dose from which demand could be conjectured.

Dr. William Courtney testified that a reasonable dosage schedule can range from between four and twenty grams per day, based on published government studies, saying that seven joints per day makes an average dosage schedule at 1.5 grams per joint.

That would total as much as 3/8 – 1/4 ounce per day.

Defense attorney Edie Lerman said, after the verdict, "This shows that juries will be fair if they hear all the evidence and understand the law, regardless of the quantity involved.

He also said that, in his view, the case shows that “no credible medical marijuana case should be dealt away with a plea agreement, unless perhaps it is for deferred judgment, where the record is erased in six months,” saying his firm has gotten calls from other attorneys asking for advice on going to trial instead of pleading out.

News Hawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Copyright: 2009
Contact: WeHo News Community news and information for West Hollywood
where is the cannabis? 300-400 pounds of medical grade herb is a BIG chunk of change......California is the last state I would take a check or an IOU from :nicethread:
Why is it that we the people have made our voices heard at the polls for Voting and we are still being detained and prosecuted for what we want an what we have voted for HUMMM…. An anther question WHY do WE have to uphold to standers that the leaders of this country do not have to conform to, or even uphold to at all?????? They do not play fair or even, why should we? O that right we are the one that are being bent over at their will, and not what is right or (wrong) or even fair to us.....

They can't pull over a person for smoking in a car with a child (under 18) Because cancer an other lung problems are not important to anyone but that child.
How do the children feel when no one will be there proctor. I think about the same as us, as we are raided an put down for what we believe in. hauled off to jail or even worse. Left to root from the inside out with these perception ”drugs”.

O’ that right we grow it we use it and the big drug pusher gets no cut. So now they say to the DEA, Like a spoiled brat. “They didn’t buy my drugs go shut them down NOW!”
Big Pharma is scared of cannabis because in many cases it works very well, is as cheap as dirt(once you have the seeds and such) that can be grown in your back yard and, oh ya, they have a cure for certain cancers from what Rick Simpson calls "Hemp Oil". all it is is concentrated THC plus a bunch of the other chemicals that makes up Cannabis. If I was a drug company, I would be fighting to partner up with the big producers and come out with Cannabis medicines before your competitor does.They can see it is just a matter of time...
Michaelkaer, drug companies are among the most profitable industries on the planet, but energy is bigger. You canadians produce much or most of the fuel we americans actually burn, from shale sources. Expensively. When your prairie farmers are cropping enough hemp biomass to commit to methanol production, we americans will buy that as well. The new and hopefully improved car companies will just have to install bigger fuel tanks, and our farmers will want in. I'm sad to be all about the money, but I am american and whatever is #2 is obscure. Our pol's feed us rhetoric, but act on the money.
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