Hair drug test!


420 Member
Hey guys I recently had to do a hair drug test for a job. Last time I smoked was on the 30th and the 12th. Both times 2 puffs each. I am not a causal smoker before that I prolly hit the blunt early July twice aswell. Took a hair follicle yesterday and was wondering if I should be worried. Ofc I’m panicking! 5’11 204. And they got the hair from my armpits.
First, they’ve got it, so DON’T PANIC. It won’t do you any good. If those 8 puffs over the course of 3 months is enough to cross a threshold, then it’s crossed. Try not to run yourself up a flagpole over the wait - it will be whatever it is. Can you pass a regular urine screen?
Yea that’s very true. And yes I can, I had to take one of those aswell. I passed that one . They told me on the spot
You may be below whatever the threshold is, so hang loose (I’d say smoke a blunt, but let’s hold on that for now lol) and you may be OK. If you had shaved off all your body hair they just would’ve fired you…. But if you aren’t it’s too late to worry about it, I know it’s hard but try not to wring your hands. I’m hoping saner days of prohibition are coming….
Yeah I got another job offer aswell so another hair follicle coming up. Worse case scenario I fail this one and prepare for the next one with products or something. And yeah all this shit is so stupid over marijuana!
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