Hay! I need help with dosage for cooking!

Buddsy Malone

New Member
Hay everybody

I'm unable to get my hands on any shake for cooking, so I'm being forced to use bud
(I know this is a tragedy as it's cured and meant for smoking,but a friend needs some pain relief and cannot smoke,my hands are tied I'm afraid) : (
If for example,12 cookies needed 5 grams of shake,what amount should I use for bud? Should I half it perhaps because of the higher thc concentration?
Any help or advice would be awesome!
Thank so much,
Peace and love
I can't help you with any recipes, but I've just been experimenting with dosage for ingestion. I'm using bud from a Dinafem Diesel plant. I dry it for about a week. Then I grind a single cola (2-3 grams) up and put it in about 1/3 cup of olive oil, which I then bring just to the boiling point (570 degrees). Switch the heat off and let it cool, then store it at room temperature for a day. The bud bits shrivel up and get crunchy and lose all their resinous taste; they taste a little like toast crumbs. One teaspoon of this elixer is about right for a very relaxing body effect and a pleasant but low-key euphoria. (Stir the mixture up before taking it so you get some of the bud bits.)

You have to be careful with ingestion. Because the effect is delayed, it's easy to take too much. (I did once, and ended up stoned for two days.) My one teaspoon of this mixture takes about an hour to be felt, then 1-2 hours of deep relaxation and rumination, then a long tail that is in some ways my favorite part: my head is clear enough to focus on any task (except driving!), and I keep getting little twinges of pleasure in my abdomen, accompanied by a slowly waxing and waning feeling of well-being.
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