Hello from Saskatchewan, Canada


New Member
Greetings and Salutations!

Some of you may be aware that as of April 1st, 2014, Canada has legalized marijuana, and opened up the doors for growing to ''licenced growers''.
The rules are quite stringent, of course, with the actual building being the most difficult to comply with (security and zoning).
It just so happens that I meet all the requirements.
So, this old gal is closing the restaurant and venturing into a new line of work, hopefully.

The only problem is, I know nothing about it.
I grew a few marijuana plants last summer, just to see how it would go, and it went well.

This seems like a very good fit for ''retirement'', not the hard work that cooking and cleaning is.
And still meeting and serving the needs of some wonderful people.

I hope that I can learn from all of you, and maybe even entice one of you to come up north and join me in the venture.
I really am looking for a ''gardener''.

Blessings to all.
Hello Mrs MC.

Nice to meet another Canadian. I'm not, but my hubby is from Toronto. He spent most of his life in the US. Glad to hear about the legalization - it must be party time up there. :party:

I'm also retired but not in a position to make a biz out of it, just self sustaining. I am loving this hobby more than anything I've tried but don't think it's any easier than cooking & cleaning :laughtwo: just more rewarding.

Good luck and I hope all your dreams come true.
Hello from Toronto MrsMC...Canada is not legalizing Cannabis?From what i have gathered as of April 1st all Licensed Producers must cut down their plants as Health Canada will be the only ones producing and growing medical marijuana?Also for the past 11 years or so a patient was allowed under (MMAR)to grow their own medicine and that will also stop as of April 1st when MMPR kicks in(which will mean if patients continue to grow they could go to jail.The cost will be going up as high has $12 per gram higher then the black market,patients can't afford these high costs for their medicine when growing themselves costs pennies per gram!And patients will receive their medicine through the mail!!No one will buy HC catnip!!Health Canada will also only have a few strains available..Canada is going backwards not forward..All ATP cards (Authorized To Possess) will be nil and void! MMAR DPL/PPL Coalition Against Repeal
It is true that ''Health Canada'' is withdrawing the licences for patients to grow their own marijuana, as of April 1,2014.
I suspect that what this will do is push these growers ''underground'', and there will not be business from them. (And I don't blame them.)
And I do not think that there will be a vigorous attempt to charge and prosecute these ''offenders''. It's just not worth the paper work and man hours that entails such ''crimes''.

The government predicts that there will be 1.5 million people with medical marijana prescriptions in the next 10 years.
This from a population of 33 million.
And they have said that price will be what the market bears; probably $7.00 a gram.
It's a free enterprise situation.

I do believe that this is the first step to legalizing marijuana for recreational use and taxing it.
Our country is great for taxing booze and tobacco; why not weed?
By the way, I use all of it. So why not tax it all and make it all legal?
Hi mrsmc :)
Greetings from manitoba.
Im very new here as well but have found usefull info here.
I was in touch with a gentleman from "the work shop" and we went over the quality assurance that will be needed for the commercial venture, as of 2 weeks ago it would seem the government hasnt set the guidelines as to these requirements. Perhaps you know more about this topic?
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