Help me pass


New Member
Alright well my mom is gonna randomly drug test me soon. I think probably this weekend since I have lacrosse games this week and there will be no time for me to go.

I smoked monday. yesterday. i've been smoking a lot latley. i'm 5'7 150...

What is the best thing for me to do to pass the test. she's taking me to the official place. I have my friends piss and I put it in a condom and can have it heated but idk if they would watch me.

What is the best thing I should do?

Sorry I had to write this in a rush because I have to go. Please help
Normally they wouldn't watch you but because your mom is paying for the test she can require it. Your best chance is to stay clean and the morning of the test you drink lots of fluids to lower the thc levels in the urine. You could take the other urine along with you in case they don't observe but keep it out of your pockets and get the heat range right.
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