Help me please first time grower


420 Member
Yes I germinated this girl 1 week ago and have put her in the fox farm ocean forest soil straight from the germinate and now it's been watered and under 18-24 hr light and now looking bad. What am I doing wrong. Goal was to grow enough to move outside. Any advice please I don't want it to die.
It looks awful wet, is there drain holes in that cup? Those round leaves are cotyledons they are a food sack of sorts for your baby, back off the water and let the soil dry out, then just moisten the top from there :goodluck:
The rest of the group has made some great suggestions.

A question. How big is that plastic cup the seedling is in? Maybe it is the angle or lighting or something but to me it looks like it is small, maybe a 2 or 4 ounce cup.

The description of the light reads like it is one of those table top lights for small houseplants. It should work good for seedlings but not for plants that start to actively grow. It should keep the plant growing for awhile until it is ready to go outside. Probably cannot raise it any further away from the plant and have it do any good.
Ok so the no drain holes thing is really bad, every plant container needs air holes. Yup air needs to move thru the soil to the root zone. With it that wet you run the risk of damping off disease… Clear cups and white cups are bad choices too, weed roots hate exposure to light. For temps 69 degrees is too cool. We aim for 80 to 84 F for growth under leds
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