Help! Possible nitrogen deficiency I think

@FelipeBlu I'm assuming so yes. When I expanded it i did use 4l ph'd calmag but I obviously didnt soak it right. I'll have a read up on it and maybe try soaking the stuff I've got.
I've washed and buffering the 'coco' now the amount of peat soil that came off was insane. That's what's obv filtered to the bottom of the tubs blocking drainage. I'll leave it steeping for 8hrs then I'll mix another batch of calmag water n steep for another 8hrs.
Should I repot the seedlings tomorrow after its buffered or should I wait a bit?
Perfect the 'coco' if that's even what it is look a hell of alot different now. I'll give the guys on the coco guys a shout for advice. Thanks for you're help @oldsmokey and @FelipeBlu the worst thing is my mum is an avid gardener but seeing as weed is still illegal here in UK I'm kinda begrudging asking her advice, for obvious reasons.
@FelipeBlu She knows her stuff, her dad, my grandad was really into it. Shes rather diverse and quick on the uptake.
Anyway thought I'd post this
That tray was atleast an inch deep of the 'coco' bone dry granted had perlite in it.

This is what I've left after rinsing and pretty sure I could rinse more out. 20200604_195632.jpg
Does this look better?
Sorry I know you said you're not a coco grower
Happy summer solstice your yoursel @FelipeBlu
Hps ain't good I can't get the temp down its sitting 34-35+°C with an rh of 35% can't leave the cupboard open and cant vent outside. Got 3 fans blowing but only circulating the hot hair. My mates now told me I can use his cupboard so I think this experiment coming to a very every expensive end
I had a mate who was meant to be going half's on everything, even had a spare room, seen no coin, no willingness to help and its too risky... so screw him.
@FelipeBlu na I can trust him like, been a really good mate for 10+ years and a mate of my brothers for another 15 plus so so I trust him. Wouldn't be soo bad if I didn't have my wee yin running around every few days. Kids eh who'd have em pml
Well its been a few months since my last post. Hope everybody's been safe and keeping well. I'm back working now so not constantly checking in on the girls which has greatly helped my patience, anxiety and just generally happier and more relaxed (non medicates) which in turn has helped my girls.

They've been coming along nicely with no issues to report other than maybe letting them get a bit too thirsty but after a watering she came back with vengence.

I've been watering every 2-3 days at about 2-2.5l a watering. I dont tend to note the pH as every feed its varied from 5.6-6.1. With the schedule im on with work and the light schedule im tending to water after work, which gives me an hr of light before they go off.
I've been following the canna light feed guide with 1ml/l of calmag and running 11/13 day/night. Temps usually day 28-30°C and nights 21-ish°C. Humiditys at 30-40% during day and not sure at night.

I flipped them to flower gradually (..well over a week) 5weeks ago so been on 11/13 for 4 weeks and h*ly crap I never expected them to be as gorgeous as they have become. Some more than others but they're all my babies so I love them all. Even my ghost chili plant is looking amazing.

Ill post pics up in next post but as always if theres anything im doin wrong or think I can improve on something im always willing to learn, I know the environment isn't ideal but working with the best I can do at the moment.

Cheers guys
Triple G
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