High Times In Pro Wrestling: Why Wrestlers Are Turning To Marijuana


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Every pro-wrestling fan knows that although it is not as real as it gets, it can still cause a lot of damage, aches and pains to the body.

Wrestlers have to figure out ways and options to heal the pain to continue on with their careers. Some have chosen ways that ultimately lead to their own demise.

In the pass some pro wrestlers have turned to pain killers, which is not that bad until the dosage starts to get to heavy!

Kurt Angle talks about his drug addiction with pills via zimbio.com:

Kurt said they were "extra strength stuff" and mentioned percoset, five broken necks, up to 65 pills a day and hasn't taken any in four years. He also said "I don't like to talk about it (his drug problems). The drugs made him feel straight and normal and would take 20 in the morning just to wake up. Vince wanted Kurt to do rehab on his own as opposed to going to rehab. It took five months for Kurt to clean himself up. He put over Vince allowing people being about to go to rehab now.

Brock Lesnar also had some problems to with pain and went the same route as so many wrestlers do as well. Quote thanks to recoveryconnection.org:

"I don't know, what's addiction? Did I take too damn many pills? Yeah. Did I drink too much? Yes. Did I become aware that I was drinking and taking too many pills? Yes, I did."

Some wrestlers still turn to this as they really don't understand they are causing other problems for themselves:

Information thanks to straightfromthedoc.com:

Each day, 36 million people pop a pill to relieve the pain of headache, arthritis or muscle ache. A study in the November Journal of Rheumatology found that 25% of them take too much, and risk trading pain relief for serious stomach problems.

The medications are a class of drugs called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDS, which include aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve). Many common cold remedies and prescription pain relievers also contain NSAIDs.

All those plastic bottles in medicine cabinets contain warnings and recommended doses, but the study, which surveyed 807 adults, found they're often ignored. Fifty-four percent of the survey participants said they were unaware of gastrointestinal side effects, including ulcers and hemorrhage, and 18% said they had experienced a side effect. Overdosing can happen not only by taking more than the recommended dose but also by taking the next dose sooner than directed, taking more than the recommended number of doses in a day, or unknowingly taking several drugs that all contain NSAIDs.

But with promotions cracking down and wrestlers realizing what pills can actually due to the body they decide to go a different route...that route being marijuana aka weed!

With less side effects and causing harm to the body many wrestlers relieve their pain by rolling one up. Not only do wrestlers do this many people everywhere enjoys do so as well for reasons as: Relieve stress; avoid problems at home, school and just to escape from the everyday troubles of life.

But marijuana also has side effects as well: Impaired coordination, difficulty with problem solving and thinking, overall problems with memory and learning, and also speeds up ones heart rate.

But many people don't care as people usually say, "It's not killing me so..."

So they continue to do what they are doing...but this substance that wrestlers started to turn to is now and has been banned in the WWE and other places as well. This did not sit so well with RVD on his chances of returning back in the organization: Info thanks to prowrestling.net-

"Since I don't want to go back to the full-time schedule anyway, it's kind of hard to answer if, in addition to not wanting to go back, I would also not want to go back and apply to all of their conditions. I'd have to want to do it, and if I wanted to do it bad enough to not promote or advocate marijuana or whatever, it would depend on what it was worth to me if I was wanting to do that — which I'm not...

"...So, for WWE, they're just like a small society. They've got their own set of laws, their own set of rules. And on the wellness program, marijuana is definitely different than if you test positive for anything else on their list. But still it has a very hefty fine with it. And it's, unfortunately, turning the boys away from marijuana and turning them away from any pain relievers, and saying, 'Alcohol is OK.' It's just like the SuperBowl will tell you — 'Drink, drink, drink.'"

In a way you, you can kind of agree with Rob Van Dam's statements; you don't want to have wrestlers turning to another substance that can cause very harmful problems...but at the end of the day you have to follow the rules that are set.

Is this the reason why RVD & Jeff Hardy hopped over to the TNA Wrestling roster as they may not be as strict? May be so because if you think about it Jeff wanted to leave to rest his body but he still is wrestling which contradicts that. Yes it on a less hectic schedule but at the end of the day like I said he still is wrestling.

Also their other bro in crime Brian Kendrick is down on the TNA roster as well who also had the same problems in the WWE.

Either way marijuana is illegal or there is going to be a point where organizations are going to have to figure out other ways to help their talents.

As wrestlers are going to continue to go to this substance rather than pills are drugs as it is less harmful it's going to start to get more of a problem.

Fines aren't just going to be enough, I do like the rehab idea but many people don't want to go to rehab for a substance like marijuana for what reasons I don't know but they don't.

So I want to hear from you please bring in your comments and let me know what you think of this hot topic.

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