How many plants this season.

12 outside this spring. im going to start them indoors under lights so they will be at least a month old when they go outside.
8-10 female clones
Hmm... Haven't really desided yet, I'll prolly start up 3 and hope for the best... Or possibly like 10 and just pick my favorite few. That's hard can you pick your favorite kids?
after the ones i have now are done... im only going to have one... hoping its a girl lol...
mainegoodness said:
When all you guys harvest. Do you harvest anuff bud to get you threw till the next years grow is complete. ?

That's wide open for discussion. One plant would last me a long, long time because I only blaze up for insomnia relief and the occasional mid, day couch lock to watch a good movie. My idea of getting blazed is 2 full hits which toasts me like pizza dough in the oven :laughtwo:

Depending on the grower's setup, he or she can have multiple harvests all year long. That's the beauty of this hobby. I'd say it's safe to assume that if someone grows, they're never out of a variety of nugs.
mainegoodness said:
Yea that is what im shootin for this year. Id like to harvest a pound.
1 pound = 14 to 16 weeks of meds for me. Without a continuous harvest I couldn't keep myself medicated.
GB is right about most of us. Especially us med users. I know it's been years since I was actually without any meds.
I'm like GB. I do my best to make it last. ----------------------------------------- Stretches my buzz by hours, and helps me sleep like a babe. Still working toward the day I can say I do continual harvest. It's a good goal. LOL
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