How's the weed in Amsterdam?

Re: how's the weed in Amsterdam?????

Lol I'm sure the bud there is probably 10x better than you'd imagine.:smokin:
Re: how's the weed in Amsterdam?????

THe bud in Amsterdam is pretty amazing. It's not JUST the bud either...its the has and concoctions MADE from bud and hash. The nice thing about the Dam' is they have bud of all types; you can get 5 grams of cheaper, yet joint friendly Jamacain weed for very cheap, and you an get some top notch Dutch bud or Nederhash for also real cheap (compared to US prices). Make sure you visit established clubs with good reviews....there are lpenty of crappy places in Amsterdam that have crappy weed.
Re: how's the weed in Amsterdam?????

ya ive heard that the weed in amstterdam isnt why you should go there...its the hash...thats what makes it world class.
Re: how's the weed in Amsterdam?????

Harry, yeah. I'd have to agree with that. Dont get me wrong, Amsterdam has some amazing strains. But we ALL have had acces, at one point or another, to some top notch kush. As a med pot patient, I saee and smoke some strains that may as well ahe copme from Amsterdam.....the prices are just about 8X what they are over in the Dam. Their HUGE selection of "make you pass out" hash, hash oils, and hash goo that make it worth the trip and pretty uniqe. Plus, the atmoshpere (Serious, paranoid stoners like myself take some adjustment when in AMsterdam of the idea that you are legaly allowed to buy and smoke weed. Its a sureal feeling, and when you get bac to the US, you begin to look at OUR policies way of thinking, and how bizarre it is.) as well as the toatly legal (more so than weed) fungus strains available. All around, an excellent place to visit, the mecca if you enjoy marijuana.
Re: how's the weed in Amsterdam?????

im shure it is anyone who smokes pot dream to go to amstradam... ive never been but im prolly gunna go summer cant wait! how much is an ounce there, u think it would be like a buck a gram since its legal but i dunoo...

does anyone have recomdations of where to stay and where to buy sum reeeefer
Re: how's the weed in Amsterdam?????

Spidy, there are already numerous threads addressing your questions (See my thread on Amsterdam in the FAQ section for detailed info). You acn not buy an ounce of weed, you can only buy 5 grams of weed at a time. A gram of top notch weed will run you about 8-12 bucks (depending on where you go and what you get).
Re: how's the weed in Amsterdam?????

A gram of top notch weed will run you about 8-12 bucks

damn! sometimes I pay about 14 a gram for some pretty dank shit but I bet its not even close to what they got over there.
Re: how's the weed in Amsterdam?????

FUCK dude thanks for reminding me im not in AMS. JK
OBM is fuckin on point like a razor
late summer like august is the best time to go
I went last year this time and it was cold
Most ppl go in a shop get a gram smoke it there and then go somewhere else, theres really no need to buy a whole ounce at one time especially since they dont really discount prices in bulk like over here.

Re: how's the weed in Amsterdam?????

NIce Isos. I perfer this time of hyear due to the lack of crowds. In fact, After January 3rd, the city is usualy empty of tourists. I ate breakfast at Barneys every damn day, I didnt haev to wait or anything.
Re: how's the weed in Amsterdam?????

Thepurplem0nkey said:
NIce Isos. I perfer this time of hyear due to the lack of crowds. In fact, After January 3rd, the city is usualy empty of tourists. I ate breakfast at Barneys every damn day, I didnt haev to wait or anything.

thnx PM what about the summer months are they busy?
only places i had to wait when i went in late feb were the museums
Re: how's the weed in Amsterdam?????

Isos, yeah, February I wouldnt expect to be crowded. BUt summertime....I have never been during that time, but all the books and all thet ravelers will tell you how packed it is during those months, and usualy packed with Americans. I love my country, but when I go to Europe, it's to see Europeans and their culture, not be surrounded by Americans.
Also, I'm sort of restricted to travel during the winter due to my medical conditin ;-)
Re: how's the weed in Amsterdam?????

we meet up with a couple americans that we kept on seeing so it was kinda cool to have ppl to chill with but for fucks sake I can't imagine how packed those places can get they are soooo tiny. lmao grey area is the smallest thing ever and barneys got full real quick so i can't imagine during peek seasons.
Re: how's the weed in Amsterdam?????

Isos, one trip I was in Amsterdam from December 27th until January 10th. THe place was SO PACKED around new years, you had to wait an hour to get an open seat at Barneys, and you had to wait in line to get some bud. After the 3rd, the place was deserted. I got to chill with the Owners of The Grey Area and have some awesome converstaions, I got to sit down and relax with the owners of Barneys who gave me free Barney's lighters every time I acme in it was that empty, and I got to explore all of the shops in record time. THats why I don't understand why people pay so much money to go to the cannabis cup. Theya re pretty much shelling out hundreds of dollars for the privelage of going to the most crowded, jam packed event, to sample weed they could be sampling a month later, when the palce is deserted save for Europeans.
In the winter time, I usualy run into many Canadians and Australians, people I really enjoy hanging out with. Of course, there are also many EUropean traevlers out and about.
Re: how's the weed in Amsterdam?????

My cousin Erica and her boyfriend went to Amsterdam in Dec. of 2004, and they were able to sneak back some hash and some heavenly dank sticky sweet nugs of weed I never imagined could be grown!! They brought back some pictures of some of the clubs they were in, and my cousin showed me a pic of her and a local policeman sharing a doobie outside of one of the coffeeshops!

She said she'll take me along with her next time she goes, and she said she's planning on going this fall, so I hope all goes well, I may be headed to Amsterdam this year!!!!
Re: how's the weed in Amsterdam?????

Yeah, their buddah is pretty amazing. BUt the culture is also awesome. The Van Goh museum and the Rembrandt museum house some of the worlds most amazing art peices by these painters, the Ann Frank house is definately worth a visit (Kind of depressing, but should still be experienced). The Heineken brewery is my favorite place to visit when I am running short on some funds. You pay 7 Euros (At least, that's how much it cost me 2 years ago) for the tour of the brewwery, which includes three free beer tickets. The tour is very interesting, but most importantly, as you progress through the tour, you stop at three seperate, old fashioned bars built right into the tour. The Heineken is COLD, it comes out from a TAP. You hand the guy your drink coupon, and you guzzle that deliscous tasting, fresh beer. You then move on the tour, to bar #2. Guess what? SAME THING! Hand the guy your second beer ticket for yet another glass of ice cold, fresh off the tap Heinee! Hmmm, look at that....some people are just leaving their tickets because they couldnt even finish the FIRST beer. Ill just pick those bad boys up. Moving along......finaly, at the end of the tour, there's the third bar, same deal. And on the tables are scores of discarded beer tickets from people who couldnt finish a third beer. And thast when you collect those scores, and spend the next few hours drinking free, ice cold off teh tap, deliscous heini, in a private bar inside the old Heineken brewwery. If that isnt enough, you ge a free Hieneken beer glass and a collectable tin to keep it in (when your not drinking a heineken out of it of course). HOT DAMN I CANT WAIT TO GO!!!!!
Re: how's the weed in Amsterdam?????

you can research most hotels on the net just like they were here in the states.

They have hostels there which are really cheap like 15 bucks a night in a large room with maybe 8 or 10 ppl and i think around 50 bucks for a private room. there is this one hostel that is known for being very pot friendly and there is another one thats much nicer but pot smoking isnt done as openly there. of course I forgot the names but if u r interested I can find out for you easily. I've only been once and I went with my sis so we stayed at a nice hotel in dam square named NH Krasnopolsky which ran around 130 euro a night. 130 euro=? maybe 175 dollars im too lazy to find an online converter.
If i went with a bunch of guys a hostel would be a fucking blast and you could spend alot more money on pot and doing shit so its a good option.
otherwise you might have to spend anywhere from 100- 175 dollars a night.
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