Humidity dome


Active Member
I was gonna germinate in a humidity dome, wondering if I should keep the vents on it closed or open. Had poor success lately with paper towel germ so trying something new.
I have used clear wrap to cover the paper towel slightly. It keeps the paper towel from drying out to fast from just evaporation. I found that it helps. I do leave the sides open so air can still get in. Not sure if it is needed but it sure doesn't hurt.
With that in mind I would leave the windows open. At least part way. Steady temps are important so don't change things mid way. This could cause problems. Most seeds should pop in 2 days or less so it is not like they will spend a lot of time in that environment. Humidity really helps when it you get to the stage that those popped seeds come through the top of the soil. All other times high humidity are a bad thing.
It shouldn't hurt anything but watch temps when they are covered. High temps can be as harmful as the are helpful.
Steady temps are important so don't change things mid way.

It shouldn't hurt anything but watch temps when they are covered. High temps can be as harmful as the are helpful.

The main take from Jack's posts. Get a heat mat with controller and test the environment to get it stable before trying to germinate. I get almost 100% germination rate with soaking until they sink (usually 24 hours) and the paper towel method. It just works for me and it lets you know early on what's got the best chance of coming up. At least you know if you have to drop another bean and it won't be too far behind the others.
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