I need to rant!


New Member
I log on to my account and read the articles and being the good news hawks that the are I offten get both sides of the argument. But lately listening to the other side's point of view irritates me something force. How do we win an argument when the other side doesn't care about facts?
The studies have been done, the reports written, and the evidence is blatant but the other side holds strong to their outdated facts and superstitions. When doctors, lawyers, judges, cops, presidents, and scientists aren't taken at their word and evidence is dismissed, how do you win?
The information isn't hard to find at all, just Google it. The cause isn't new, think hippies. So why are these old concepts so hard to kill? So often the opposition take the moral high ground, but I ask you, what's moral about taking a kid out of college and putting him in prison, what's moral about denying a man his workers compensation and taking his job, what's moral about using the law to target underprivileged minorities? It's time they wake up and see the real America.
I remember watching a clip where George Bush was giving a speach and he said, not exactly but, " I hear from the younger generation that our generation had alcohol as a crutch, why can't we have cannabis?" Then he says "why can't you be the generation who doesn't need a crutch." Then there was much applause. But now I ask, what the fuck? So it's okay if you get wasted at every sporting event, it's okay if functions sponsored by the city of Raleigh ( I can't speak for anywhere else) give out free wine at it's downtown events, it's okay for you to set up your own home beer distillery but I can't have my pot? Bullshit. We are real people and we have real lives. We have dream, aspirations, and responsibilities like everyone else. We have families to take care of. It's just a difference in taste that determining whether someone is a criminal or not and it's not fair, it's just not fair. And what, life isn't fair? Bullshit, why shouldn't be? What's wrong with doing the right thing because it's right? I can purchase a truckload of kegs but I can't have one ounce of cannabis?
At what point will the madness end? At what point will the government own up to it's mistake? When will we be free. The constitution is written on hemp paper and the first cannabis law in American stated that you had to grow it, how did we get here.

I feel better now.
People can choose to open their minds and think for themselves, but we can't force them to. I just hope someday the light comes on and they realize that their parents or whoever could have been wrong about the " evil reefer" . The OTHER SIDE is driven by money and ignorance. Grow it, smoke it so you can forget the other side and educate YOUR family so they will spread the word...
I log on to my account and read the articles and being the good news hawks that the are I offten get both sides of the argument. But lately listening to the other side's point of view irritates me something force. How do we win an argument when the other side doesn't care about facts?
The studies have been done, the reports written, and the evidence is blatant but the other side holds strong to their outdated facts and superstitions. When doctors, lawyers, judges, cops, presidents, and scientists aren't taken at their word and evidence is dismissed, how do you win?
The information isn't hard to find at all, just Google it. The cause isn't new, think hippies. So why are these old concepts so hard to kill? So often the opposition take the moral high ground, but I ask you, what's moral about taking a kid out of college and putting him in prison, what's moral about denying a man his workers compensation and taking his job, what's moral about using the law to target underprivileged minorities? It's time they wake up and see the real America.
I remember watching a clip where George Bush was giving a speach and he said, not exactly but, " I hear from the younger generation that our generation had alcohol as a crutch, why can't we have cannabis?" Then he says "why can't you be the generation who doesn't need a crutch." Then there was much applause. But now I ask, what the fuck? So it's okay if you get wasted at every sporting event, it's okay if functions sponsored by the city of Raleigh ( I can't speak for anywhere else) give out free wine at it's downtown events, it's okay for you to set up your own home beer distillery but I can't have my pot? Bullshit. We are real people and we have real lives. We have dream, aspirations, and responsibilities like everyone else. We have families to take care of. It's just a difference in taste that determining whether someone is a criminal or not and it's not fair, it's just not fair. And what, life isn't fair? Bullshit, why shouldn't be? What's wrong with doing the right thing because it's right? I can purchase a truckload of kegs but I can't have one ounce of cannabis?
At what point will the madness end? At what point will the government own up to it's mistake? When will we be free. The constitution is written on hemp paper and the first cannabis law in American stated that you had to grow it, how did we get here.

I feel better now.
Preach it my friend.I actually think Ronald Regan said or generation shouldn't need a crutch.The only reason i say that cause i watch alot of documenteries and i think i seen the were ol ron said that.Maybe its time as citizen's we need to have another old timey tea party,instead of throwing tea in the water we can go throw beer,wine and whiskey in the water.I would be down for some 18th and 19th century shananagins,hell i would take to arms if they keep stomping on or rights as americans.:nicethread:
All the evidence in the world doesn't hold a candle to money, my friend. The fact is, the so-called "War Against Drugs" is a billion dollar industry. The people who profit from this "war" are the law makers who have kept cannabis illegal. They profit as individuals and don't want to lose their money makers. So, we just have to continue opening people's eyes to the facts bc when we speak as a people, their voices become too weak and empty.
I SAY WELL ALL DO A 4-20-2012 PROTESTS It will give US 6 months before elections to find out which of the nominees will change the world. It would also show just how much of the general population wants to free MJ and once and for all STOP the unjust criminalizing of MJ users /growers . PROTEST TILL THE DEA REMOVES OUR BELOVED PLANT FROM THE SCHEDULE ONE LIST AND PLACES IT ALONG WITH CIGARETTES AND ALCOHOL

I SAY WELL ALL DO A 4-20-2012 PROTESTS It will give US 6 months before elections to find out which of the nominees will change the world. It would also show just how much of the general population wants to free MJ and once and for all STOP the unjust criminalizing of MJ users /growers . PROTEST TILL THE DEA REMOVES OUR BELOVED PLANT FROM THE SCHEDULE ONE LIST AND PLACES IT ALONG WITH CIGARETTES AND ALCOHOL

Im down like four flats,the hempining is to start 4/20/2011,come on people lets do this we can change it all we need is the majority and we win a battle,a long battle that has cost lives,money,property,even countries.Instead of saying ya i will help say dammit im gonna do it and there aint a f'n thing the gov't or any man doing a one sided monsters bidding can do to stop me.We need to meet at the center of the U.S,coming from all four corners,and islands.We as lonley little voices can do nothing,but by god put all those tiny voices in one place and it becomes a very booming,powerful voice that no one man can ignore.So now all we need is a meeting point,a large camp ground,preferably federal land.There is enough of us the U.S will be effected and hopefully we will raise a few eyebrows in washington and other places.:nicethread::high-five::peacetwo:
Yes! I agree! There def needs to be a very large, highly organized event. When I was young, I remember marching on Washington. There were caravans, and peanut butter/jelly sandwich brigades, phone banks, and so on. I have not seen that kind of organized action in over a decade. Maybe there needs to be rallies all over the country, held on the same day, with the motive to expose the facts, not rally in anger. Meaning, exposing how many minorities are now clogging our jails for simple possession charges, their lives ultimately destroyed by the "war". Expose those who profit from this "war", and how much it has cost this country. The medicinal benefits this plant provides. The fact that no one has lost their life due to it's effects. How much our economy could gain from bringing it back to the fields. I agree!
Yeah, bc it would be very difficult for moi to get to DC unless there was some kind of caravan. If there were protests in every major city all happening at the same time, people all over the country could participate fairly easily. For instance, I have never been able to participate in 4/20 bc I simply didn't have the moolah to get there. They don't observe one here.
Ill do what I can in Raleigh. I feel its time for me to really fight.
Riots in the streets period. Across the nation, across the world.
I think the best approach is a state by state legalization drive. Not to downplay the medical marijuana movement but if there is nothing wrong with me other than I want to get baked with my friends and play XBOX how should that be a crime? Marijuana prohibition is a hold over to the Nixon Reagan drug wars.
Yeah, I have to agree with that. There seems to be a lot of political flack when it comes to mmj. Politicians saying that the voters were tricked and what have you. Then on top of that dispenceries are made into targets for would be criminals. If made widely available at a reasonable price you take away the incentive for ilicit sales and you take money out of the pockets of criminals. Plenty of people have preached this, all we need is to try it.
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