I want to switch my plant to 12/12 cycle, what do you think I should do?


Active Member
Tencere başına 2,5 litre su ile karıştırmak doğru mu? Bir saksım diğerlerinden 20 gün daha büyük ve aynı miktarda su ve gübre veriyorum, doğru mu? Ve daha büyük bitkimin bir hastalığı vardı, ama iyileşme var. 12/12 döngülerini şimdi mi uygulamalıyım yoksa birkaç gün daha mı beklemeliyim? Beklemem gerekiyorsa, ne kadar beklemeliyim?
1 of my plants is 89 days old, 3 of my plants are 69 days old and my pot size is 18 liters.

I put a bit more of that Turkish into the translator :
"Is it right to mix it with 2.5 liters of water per pot? One of my pots is 20 days bigger than the others and I give the same amount of water and fertilizer, is that correct? And my larger plant had a disease, but there is recovery. Should I do 12/12 cycles now or wait a few more days? If I have to wait, how long should I wait?"

I mean at 69 and 89 days you're good to flower as they're still going to grow a lot when you put them on 12/12
I don't see any reason to wait any longer and I don't see anything to make me think over or under watering
Carry on as you are, they look good so don't fix what isn't broken
Flip into flower NOW !! Generally a Photo plant need on an average of 30 days in veg (18.6) before one flips, Now of for the some FYI : some breeders recommend that one flips at/when the plant is only 3 inches tall - only draw back is that your yields will be affected (smaller)
Switching your plant to a 12/12 light cycle typically indicates that you're transitioning it from the vegetative stage to the flowering stage. This is a common practice for plants like cannabis when you want them to start producing flowers or buds.
Ensure your growing environment is conducive to flowering. This includes providing adequate space, ventilation, and nutrients tailored for the flowering stage.
Keep an eye on temperature and humidity levels during the transition. Fluctuations in these factors can stress the plant and affect its growth and flowering.
Ensure your growing environment is conducive to flowering. This includes providing adequate space, ventilation, and nutrients tailored for the flowering stage.
Keep an eye on temperature and humidity levels during the transition. Fluctuations in these factors can stress the plant and affect its growth and flowering.
some folks use a 11/13 cycle - reason: biological reason - a plant need 13 to 13.5 hrs of dark time to induce flower (naturally). I use this cycle - one tingI noticed is that I see bud development at week 2 a week flower. for no believer do a side by side if possible/veasable ( will give reference to - need to find article again
some folks use a 11/13 cycle - reason: biological reason - a plant need 13 to 13.5 hrs of dark time to induce flower (naturally). I use this cycle - one tingI noticed is that I see bud development at week 2 a week flower. for no believer do a side by side if possible/veasable ( will give reference to - need to find article again
The article will be interesting so hopefully you will be able to find it.

I was under the impression that the plants will start to go into a flowering stage when the dark period is 12 hours or more. But, some growers do put their flowering plants under a 13 continuous hours schedule.

I also see the stigma/pistils starting to show at 5 to 7 days after most plants have gone into the flowering tent. I do come across the occasional plant that will not grow the first stigma/pistils until the 10th to 12th day after the switch in lighting. Those have usually been a plant that shows heavy Sativa genetics.
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