Identify: Hermie?


New Member

This is the best pic I could get with my phone.

Only 2 branches have these little 'balls' on them. Definitely a female plant.

I removed one of these little sacks and tried to open it up. I squeezed it and runny pus, like from a pimple, came out of it.

Was that pollen forming or a swollen calyx and i just wasted a bunch of resin?

I know it may be hard to tell.

3 weeks into flower and the strongest of the plant is the only one showing these characteristics. All males removed upon identification.

It's a little hard to tell from the picture, but it might be a herm in the true sense where it will produce male and female flowers. You would definitely want to remove it from your bloom room in that case.
If it's from light leaks or an unsteady light schedule, then you could try and clip it and hope it doesn't keep happening, but if it's a true hermaphrodite plant by genetics, there's no use in trying to save it.
I don't think it is from a light leak, and it only seems to be affecting 2 branches, on 1 plant. Im just gonna rip them off and keep on keeping on. Thanks for the response, ill try to double check a possible light leak.

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