I'm so Stoned right now I almost burnt down my House.


New Member
so I almost burnt down my house on christmas.
I was smoking a bowl in my room , when I started to get a little hungry. So I dug through our freezer and found myself a pizza. I then proceeded to preheat the oven for my pizza, not realizing that my parents had a pastry and icing for the pastry in a plastic container inside the oven(so my cat wouldn't get at it). I went pack to my room to watch TV not realzing what was going on in the kitchen. I come back 10 minutes later to see smoke rising out of the oven. I quickly opened the oven only to have flames burst out nearly leaving me with out eyebrows. After that you can kinda of picture me running around my kitchen saying "ohh my god, what am I going to do?". It eventually burned itself out, I calmed myself down, and then went for the safer choice of Munch'ems and Vanilla wafers.
yeah i was lucky that i checked back as soon as i did, but now our house smells like burnt plastic.
my parents took the blame as well, so i don't feel as bad.
haha that sounds like somethin i would do. somethin i find funny, i was goin to go smoke a blunt outside and i couldnt find a lighter. so i lite my blunt in the kitchen, hit it a cuple times to make sure its lit, then ran outside. haha. all with my little brother sleeping on the couch
I know this one kid that was making pop-tarts in the toaster and he left them in there to long... The flames went so high and decent sized flames to because it caught the cabinets on fire that were above the toaster. That kid is so stupid... it's funny lol.

Oh and P.S. at least it didn't kill your high, would have killed mine.
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