

New Member
Do they prescribe med-weed for sleeping problems? Just wondering I have trouble sleeping damn near every night. I've noticed that a good session before bed helps out. :peace: :allgood:
They reccommend it for just about anything you can claim it helps with.
Scarecrow said:
Do they prescribe med-weed for sleeping problems? Just wondering I have trouble sleeping damn near every night. I've noticed that a good session before bed helps out. :peace: :allgood:

Mr. SC.. edibles might be helpful. Lots of good recipes aound. :peace:
I'm not so sure, I bet in some states they prescribe it for sever cases of insomnia. I used to stay up for like 4 days without any sleep before I smoked pot.
But wouldnt you need a medical history of insomnia? Like, "Doc, they used to have me on [insert medicine name here] for my sleep trouble, and I guess it kind of worked, but i'd sleep too long and was tired the next day, didnt like the side effects, and bla bla" to even be able to get medpot? Otherwise anyone could just walk in, and be like, "My back hurts, pot helps, give me a card".
Curtis said:
But wouldnt you need a medical history of insomnia? Like, "Doc, they used to have me on [insert medicine name here] for my sleep trouble, and I guess it kind of worked, but i'd sleep too long and was tired the next day, didnt like the side effects, and bla bla" to even be able to get medpot? Otherwise anyone could just walk in, and be like, "My back hurts, pot helps, give me a card".

As sad as it is, thats actually how it works with most doctors around here.
When I went in for my medpot evaluation, I didnt bring a single sheet of paperwork with me, or even claim that I had tried other things to help with my eating/insomnia/back pains. All I did was have a simple person-to-person chat with the doctor about what marijuana helps me with and what he has found in his studies on weed... and 20mins later I had my reccommendation and card in hand.
SptyOty said:
As sad as it is, thats actually how it works with most doctors around here.
When I went in for my medpot evaluation, I didnt bring a single sheet of paperwork with me, or even claim that I had tried other things to help with my eating/insomnia/back pains. All I did was have a simple person-to-person chat with the doctor about what marijuana helps me with and what he has found in his studies on weed... and 20mins later I had my reccommendation and card in hand.

i wish it was that easy here
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