

New Member
To all of my friendly 420 people My name is Vince I wanted to introduce myself as a person who enjoys Marijuana even though I do not get to use it medically because they have not made it legal for medicinal purposes in my state as of yet. But I used to be an avid user of weed I would smoke it from the time I got up till the time that I went to bed every day for 8 years and even at work. I would take my cigarette to the bathroom with me and I would pull out my one hitter and take all of my one hitter in and then leave the bathroom and go to the air return vent on the back wall where the air conditioner control was at and I would blow my smoke into the 4 foot by four foot air return and then I would be high for a couple of hours and then turn around and do it all again. But since it has not been legalized yet in my state I have not smoked any for about a year and a half now. I have been without a job for a little over a year now as well and trying to gain employment from some good place but I have not had much luck yet so if anyone knows of some good employment please let me know, K..My email addy is I appreciate every ones help..
Yours Truly
Vince Farmer
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