
Jim Pierson

420 Member
I have not smoked or grown pot for over 30 years. I graduated HS in the early 70's and pot was every where. ( An ounce was $20). They say the that 60;s was the big time for drug use in the US, but it was really the next decade.

To be honest, I was a little skeptical of sending cash in the mail, but at some point you need to trust folks. I ordered 10 seeds of white widow, (auto / feminized). I tried 6 seeds and I was 6 for 6 in germination and subsequent growth.

I live in upstate New York, where we can often have a hard frost before Sept. 21st. (This when the day-light ratio changes to longer nights than days to trigger the flowering.) Since my plants are outside, the auto-flowering makes the most sense.

I have harvested and start to dry some of the buds as the trichomes were indicated they were ready. I tried a batch and it was quite potent, but then again it has been a long time since I have consumes THC. I am also pretty sure that the weed I smoked years ago was not that potent.

So, I would have to say that I would recommend Crop King as a seed source.

What would be the best way to store my reaming seeds for next spring ?

Wow, that was a wham bam grow synopsis! Hopefully you'll share it here with us the next time with a Grow Journal You will get lots of positive feedback and support in your grow...great way to learn and share. I am in Maine growing in a greenhouse and I have both photos and autos growing. You should experiment with both next summer and see if you can find a quick finishing photo so you can beat the fall weather. I know that @SeedsMan has a search feature where you can select "quick finish" photos...there are many strains available.

Yes, cannabis is more potent these days than the bagged of yore...I remember cleaning the stems and seeds on the inside of an album cover and usually half was trash.

Seeds like to be stored in a dark, dry, cool place. Black film canister (if you know anyone who still uses film!) or a similar.

Now you have all winter to read up here and decide on your plan for 2019.


Wow, that was a wham bam grow synopsis! Hopefully you'll share it here with us the next time with a Grow Journal You will get lots of positive feedback and support in your grow...great way to learn and share. I am in Maine growing in a greenhouse and I have both photos and autos growing. You should experiment with both next summer and see if you can find a quick finishing photo so you can beat the fall weather. I know that @SeedsMan has a search feature where you can select "quick finish" photos...there are many strains available.

Yes, cannabis is more potent these days than the bagged of yore...I remember cleaning the stems and seeds on the inside of an album cover and usually half was trash.

Seeds like to be stored in a dark, dry, cool place. Black film canister (if you know anyone who still uses film!) or a similar.

Now you have all winter to read up here and decide on your plan for 2019.

Thanks for the reply and support. Funny thing is that I gave all of my old vinyl away to one of my nephews last year. Inside the cover of 4 Way Street CSN&Y was some very very old stems and seeds !!
Welcome Jim, looks like we came from the same era or close to it.
Enjoy 420 and I look forward reading your journal.

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