Is There a Doctor in the House?


New Member
Forgive me for just barging in (my first post) with needs, but I have some and am hoping there is a good diagnostician here'bouts.

I'm a hobbyist/grower in north central Texas and have good results outside. The deadly (to pot) heat last summer motivated an indoor set-up. I did a test grow on some white widow I had and recently harvested 6 oz/plant. So I thought I had it down.

My present grow has been under the big light about 2 weeks. The seeds germed weak (40% didn't sprout) but have done well, except for one thing!

I've posted photos here at - 420 Magazine Photo Gallery

Here's my set-up:

>Jack Herer Fem from seed
>Cana medium and nutrients (Rhizotonic/TerraVega) at recommended levels, pH adjusted to 5.5-6.5
>1000w Sodium in an air-cooler hood
>Temp 80F RH 50% average
>CO2 enhanced to 1500ppm

Except for the plant variety, the conditions now are essentially the same as the previous grow. But this time, as soon as they developed, the leaves have tended to curl upward along their long axis and display a pale, metallic luster. The plants are putting on weight okay, but I want to maximize their genetic potential and something is not right.

Early this week I took steps to treat it as a general lack of nutrients (thinking the CO2 enhanced growth might require more than normal) and added a TBSP blood meal to the medium and bumped up the TVega 50%. Still pale and curled...

Help me Doctor!

:welcome: to :420:!

I've been told, and I've read, curled up leaves like tacos most likely means magnesium deficiency. I also see a purple stem, another clue to mag deficiency.

Try adding some magnesium supplements for the next two weeks or so.

Hope that will help!
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