Jar of Peanut butter and bud?


New Member
I've been reading about the different ways to injest for a nice long body high to deal with my night time spacticity. Since I'd want to be taking a fairly consistant dose everynight I'm looking for an easy, highly-effective, cost-effective means. I was thinking of making cannabutter and making little shortbreads...but now I'm thinking firecrackers might be the ticket.
If I were to crumble a bunch of weed into a jar of good and oily peanut butter (like Addams?) and leave it sitting as such...then every night spread some on a cracker, bake it in foil package and nom down...would that work well? Would leaving the pot in the PB be ok long-term? What ratio do you think? I've got 1/2 an ounce to play with....but I don't want to waste a drop of THC! :)
Thanks for any help!
I dont thionk you would end up with much more than a huge mess. If you were to heat up the peanut butter with the bud/trim, you might get some success? I have never tried this but seems that the peanut butter would melt into a runny mess right off the cracker?
I used to mix a 1/4 - 1/2 gram of hash into a tablespoon of peanut butter and pop it down. 45 minutes to an hour later I would be feeling mighty good.

No heat involved,just hash,peanut butter,and a spoon.

Try it with some leaf and some peanut butter mixed together in a small cup or bowl. You can experiment with different time lags for the mix to sit,10 minutes, a half-hour, overnight etc... to see which works best.

I liked to cut my mix with a bit of light honey. It makes it easier to eat,IMO.

LMK,if it works for you.
Yeah I don:t see why this wouldn't work. You'd want to grind the weed up as much as possible and make sure you mix well. I'd take the peanut butter out of the jar and mix with hand mixer. I bet if you mixed in a glass or metal bowl you could transfer over a pot of boiling water (See double boiler)and heat up the PB+W, stirring constantly making sure to scrap the bottom so it doesn't burn(which PB does easily and tastes gross). do this till its hot, liquid and at a simmer. Remove from heat let cool a little and pour back in jar. You could probably simply eat it as is and enjoy a good buzz.
thc is fat soluable and there is almost the same amount of fat in peanut butter as there is in regular butter. PLUS, your body temp is about 98 degrees so once you ingest it im sure the heat from your body will help release the thc. i say do it.
Ingesting Cannabis in its raw form is an irritant.

Also heat is needed to in-effect activate it into it's psychoactive forum.

Simply heating it in some Clear ingestible alcohol like Bacardi 151, Vodka, Ever Clear, and letting it sit and soak, is simple and would be more of a "Controllable" dose.
Then you take the "Raw" Cannabis out.
And then drink or use an eye dropper to dose with.

Here is a link on making a Tincture.
Tincture: Alcohol and Glycerin

Good Luck.

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