Jobs for people in america due to mary


New Member
If we'd stop going bonkers for just one second and really sit back, look at the big picture. You might actually realize that if we just made it legal we, as starving for a job americans, would actually have quite alot of jobs that we can work. Not only that, but the mere fact of working at that type place would be...awesome. When I lived in California I worked for the "club" trimming bud and let me tell you there is no place i'd rather work for. Anyone who goes to work and deals with angry people all day, would much rather deal with that person high, agreed? Think of the amount of jobs you do as a weed associate. Someone needs to run the growing place needs to care for the product as its being grown, someone needs to trim the bud once its grown, someone needs to transport it, and someone needs to sell it. Think of that amount of people working at one place thats like about 53985205 people at my times that number by 8525505255258947985725 and we have jobs! Now...if we could only get that information to the white house or something we'd be golden...minus the fact they are douches...but whatever anyway I thought i'd tickle ur brain with that tid bit...I joined here so I could say that cause I thought about it today smoking a blunt and needed somewhere to displace that knowledge i'll check back to see the replies haha
I think there are more jobs when it is illegal, DEA, police etc.

no way, we would need the cops and drug enforcers to keep enforcing the laws and cracking down on harder drugs, but if we could move pot away from that side of the law it would create like the OP said a hellavu alot more jobs.
I think there are more jobs when it is illegal, DEA, police etc.

I am not thinking about Upperclass americans who have gone to school or in this case gone thru police training...i'm thinking about people like myself who is working a dead end job and then just got laid off because the extra branch we had just closed.

Did you know that the rate of MJ use has gone up by 12% and the amount of drug use has gone up by 23% since the stuff with the government has happend?

Oh I mean come on rather than dealing with the issue your only making it worst...the problem in america is there is not enough upperclass and theres way too many lower class people STEAL FROM THE RICH AND GIVE TO THE POOR i say...i mean if someone killed donald trump and took all his cash and gave it to america we would all be middle to high class americans! but i'm getting off topic...point is...that if you think that being a cop and arresting people for MJ is better for the economy you should drown in a lake like everyone else because throwing people in jail costs the government money if you didnt know that oh and the government also funds the police...oh and the government is also the ones driving us into the dirt right now (or always have been rather we just now noticed...)

I'm not trying to attack anyone but I find people that want to make others lifes miserable just cause they are striving to make their own life better by smoking MJ needs to go live life as a lower class american for awhile and when the stress sets in and you feel like going crazy and you wish there was something that could take the edge off...think back to today when you said you wanted to arrest people for smoking MJ as you call your dealer on the phone

OKAY on a better note I cant wait to move back to california so I can get my club card again i'm so tired of hassling dealers for pot in florida...its horrible stuff and the people here dont have the right mentally to sell i'm always having to go to some strange black dudes house -not that i'm racist- but when the guy is packin heat only to sell me a gram...i dunno thats a bit over kill...but i'm sure he is selling alot more than that reguardless i cant wait
^Wow, chill for a minute. First off, I just said that I think there are more jobs created with it illegal. I didn't say I wanted anyone to get arrested or that I want cannabis illegal. Please refer to the "Dealers" thread to see my views on legalization.

There will always be a lower, middle, and upper class. The only way there won't be is if everyone in the country makes the exact same. It's the gap between them that matters. Killing rich people and distributing their money shouldn't matter. The government should be taxing them more, not lower income people. Also, cops don't make all too much money.

Legalization would save billions we spend on the war on drugs. But, it would also cut lots of government jobs. The issue of this thread is about jobs not my opinions on legalization. I just feel that the government spends way too much and way too much time into marijuana. It takes a lot of people to keep tabs and run investigations. Police won't be as busy due to the illegal drug trade would take a nose dive. I know a lot of people are itching to grow their own stuff. If we can do that why buy from clubs?

I am 100% for legalization and my almost three years on this site should show that.
Well I am not attacking you dont get me wrong I have a weird sense of humor I suppose. I merely came to give people a new way of viewing things and I do agree in some respects.

I think as far as legalization it should be run in the same respect as in california. People in california are allow to grow and buy pot from club distributers. Yet I noticed that there are still a wide amount of people that go to the clubs. Reason being that most people are too lazy to grow their own. It takes alot of time and care, alot of trial and error, to understand how to grow a plant. Most people when it comes to growing their own want to grow maybe 4 plants at the most unless they are rich and have a large place to grow and mass produce it but the main thing is people grow cause they want their strain they love to have or try something super crazy good they cant get at the clubs normally. So people infact still go to clubs because of that reason.

Bringing myself back to topic I think there are plenty of work for cops as far as the drug world goes cocaine extacy and heorin are very large points of attack for police and trust if they got rid of pot as a point of attack it would loosen up a large amount of room for those people and give focus to those types of drugs, drugs that only hurt people rather than help them...course they are fun to do but thats not the point lol

I do agree that there will always be a lower, middle, and upper class but the thing I aim for is helping the lower class get out of the lower class or at least feel more comfortable at the lower class. Working as a club employee would be alot better than working at lets say safeway where you have to deal with crap and get drug tested so even though they are still lower class they are somewhat happy with the job they are working, which is what i'm all about, being happy and being comfortable with life. If you do that people will complain less (as you know no matter what you do people will find a reason to complain) but thats one less thing to complain about =D

Again sorry if I seemed hostile as that was not my intention I only wanted to debate your expression, but i can see how that could've come off as hostile so i do apologize and thank you for giving the world a better view on the situation cause i think debating both sides of the story will give us a better intellect on legalizing this wonderful God given plant "cause even God spoke through the burning bush"
I think if they made it legal it wouldn't be an immediate relief. Well, yes and no. Not so much money would go to jailing people with bud, etc, BUT I feel that if they were to legalize it tomorrow, they would only let certain big companies grow and have a monopoly than small farmers. [Like cigarette companies.] In my opinion I don't think this would ease up on the job crisis at all. It would employ some, and it would fire some. What I'm saying is, it wouldn't make a huge dent in the job crisis unless they were lenient with who they let grow. [Also not attacking anyone or their opinion! This is just mine.] :]
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