Journalists Lie About Marijuana Like It's Their Job


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Margaret Wente at The Globe and Mail writes:

The UK made marijuana possession semi-legal a few years ago, but experienced an explosion of pot use among minors, as well as a sharp rise in harmful effects attributed to more potent strains of weed.

She's just factually wrong. Here's what the Guardian says in an Oct. 2007 article entitled "Fewer Young People Using Cannabis After Reclassification":

Cannabis use among young people has fallen significantly since its controversial reclassification in 2004, according to the latest British Crime Survey figures published today.

The Home Office figures showed the proportion of 16 to 24-year-olds who had used cannabis in the past year fell from 25% when the change in the law was introduced to 21% in 2006/07 - still about 1.3 million users.

Similarly, her claim that there's been "a sharp rise in harmful effects attributed to more potent strains of weed" is utterly false. There has been research suggesting that marijuana may increase the risk of certain mental illnesses, but there has been no increase in people actually developing those conditions. The idea that marijuana potency is a factor here is also purely theoretical and unproven. Here's what the Britain's Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs has to say:

"The evidence for the existence of an association between frequency of cannabis use and the development of psychosis is, on the available evidence, weak. The council does not advise the reclassification of cannabis products to Class B; it recommends they remain within Class C." [Telegraph]

There simply was no "explosion of pot use among minors" and no "sharp rise in harmful effects". Those things never happened, can't be cited, and don't belong in print. The article's flaws don't stop there either, but I want to focus on these points because they demonstrate reckless and presumably willful disregard for basic facts, rather than simple manipulation or selectivity. There's a difference in terms of journalistic ethics, and I think Margaret Wente forgot that.

Newshawk: JohnnyPotSmoker: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: Drug War Chronicle, DC
Copyright: 2008 DRCNet
Contact: The Drug Reform Coordination Network
Website: Journalists Lie About Marijuana Like it's Their Job
This is the kind of news that makes me mad. As if it is'nt hard enough for the poor pot smoker in this narrow minded world - journalists like Margaret Wente are making our struggle for legalisation of the holy herb ever more difficult by poisoning people minds with propaganda that further demonizes a perfectly harmless and beneficial gift from nature, the universe and God(however you see it.) Spreading lies through public media is unacceptable. All those with lesser free thinking the world over will lap up those words that she printed like a cum hungry nympho and will be spreadng them like its fact to their neighbours and kids parents in an ever extending pool of gossip which will eventually settle into their subconscience as truth. She should be prosecuted and banned.
Johnny; I want to, at least, lte about Wente's article to the G&M. Do you know publication date before I go looking for it. Thx

this isnt exactly related to this topic but its about the irony in the media. I was just watchin the news and they said that in L.A. California, they are trying to pass a law (or a law was passed, i cant remember the current status of it) banning fast food restaurants in the city to combat obesity. They had a debate about this and their responses were kinda funny to me because the reasons they were giving saying that this was bad, also 100% explains why pot should be legal. Their responses were "it's against our freedom to say what we can and cannot eat or consume." "An adult should be allowed to chose what they want." then one of the people for the law said that fast food causes obesity and its bad, etc. and a response to that mad me laugh the most. "An adult should be able to consume what they want even if it IS bad for them" then why is weed illegal? Shouldn't adults be able to use it even if it was proven to cause cancer or something like that?.....*cough*(cigarettes)*cough*
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