Just thinking


New Member
How many jobs would be affected if CANNABIS were legalized, and the market for and against it ended. it would collapse we would be happy but just think of what else it would do since they have made it such a large part of the economy??
Hey my man...been a few...how's the fam?.... Well buddy... The problem is...we've already made alcohol legal and I think the government is afraid of doubling up...if you catch my drift...don't forget how many people still abuse both alcohol and maryjane...it will never, ever be totally Legal....to many consequences...(alcohol has already proven this)...unfortunately the government doesn't see the true benefits of MMJ...(maybe kinda secretly they do)...but they aren't talking...ha....the overall effects of the general population smoking all the time is awful.......they are already boozers....now this too...I think it's just too much for everyone....I actually think that the voters in each state SHOULD..have the right for MEDICAL ONLY..like it is now.....and if your particular state (which-ever)..has a negative stigma to vote against it well....you know the results....I think for marijuana to be totally legal is stupid..... BESIDES what would all these dealers do?......get jobs....ha.....or just file unemployment..?...it could make things worse for the economy.....
"this just in....a sharp raise today in unemployment due to the new legalization of marijuana".."dealers everywhere scrambling to local libraries to file weekly claims"...
And here's sports will skip.....
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