Just wondering


New Member
I have just been pondering things as we all do and a question came to mind, so I figured I would pose the question here with the folks that know! Is there a point in the flowering cycle that should the pollen from another group of growing plants with males could not cause the older (couger female) to produce seeds? The reason I am considering this question is that I have 2 groups growing of different ages, one group in flower and another that is in early veg cycle, while they are in the same room, in different cycle periods and expect no problems. I ponder the what if I send the second group into flower towards the end of the others flowering is it possible for the younger males to pollinate the (couger) plants, as I have been thinking about allowing a group to go to seed.
My understanding is that along as the female is flowering it is at risk of polination. The bigger problem will be that the pollen will unknowingly spread. It will float in the air, transfer from touch or clothing, fans, etc. A risk I would not be willing to make unless I really needed some seeds.
As I said the vegging plants are of no risk currently, it was just 1 of those things the made me wonder! Is there a point that the floweing female would be safe from being pollinated should I send them to flower before the older group is finished.
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