Leaf Discoloration


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

These leaves are from 2 clones I am growing. They were cloned on July 22. On July 31 I put them in soil in 3" square containers. On August 8th I transfered them into 4" square containers. They were looking good. They haven't been given nutes yet. They are under T5 fluorescent lights, and were very close to the lights until yesterday.



FP. :peace:
CLONE 4.jpg
CLONE 4.jpg
There is a chart or diagram which shows samples of the most common problems that have an affect on the leaves.

And, like @hjayu94 mentions a photo of the entire plant which shows other sample leaves with the same problem. It helps those who might be able to tell what it is because they can see where it is in relation to all the other leaves and stems on the plant.

Another thing that will help track down the problem and come up with a fix is to tell the group what you are growing the plant in. You said soil but it is soil as in dirt from the back yard garden or is it a soil mix that you made yourself or is it a soil mix that you bought in a store.

There are also soil mixes that actually have no soil as most of us think of soil. This is just a mix of peat moss and perlite and some shredded coco coir. When wet it looks dark just like the soil most of us are familiar with.

Knowing the kind of soil or soil mix it is helps to pinpoint and then to develop a solution to the problem.

Enjoy your day.
And it is in fresh Pro Mix. As I may have mentioned before these clones are mother plants that I'm going to bonsai. They will stay in these small pots for their (hopefully long) lifetime.

FP. :peace:
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